NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP Tennessee Volunteers Baseball Merchandise Thread (Including Player NIL Products & Events) & Link to the Volnation Store(Post #1)

8% doesn't sound like much, and certainly I would believe you get a bigger direct cut off your merchandise. Tshirts etc.
Regarding the 90%, I think that is 90% of what is paid into the volunteer club goes to athletes. Now who knows how that 90% is broken down between sports and individual athletes, but it sounds like proceeds from sales of merchandise is definitely broken down different. I would guess that is determined by the agreement between whoever is selling the item (spyre or otherwise) and the individual athlete.
Makes me wonder how much is spread around through the programs. Those are questions I will be asking and soon. Obviously I believe we should be taking care of our athletes or I wouldn't donate. Only getting 8% of profit on your direct merchandise leaves several questions for me to spyre coming soon
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The problem with the contract is it is all or nothing. Kirby had an individual contract with the shop which would have paid him nicely. Then Spyre got contract and he was told it was Spyre or nothing. He went from a 50% cut of profits to 8%. Not how business should be done, especially with college athletes and their university. When you understand that a t-shirt with their likeness is selling for $28 and after everybody gets their cut for creating, production, advertising, sales, and display (as I was told) the profit is about $6-8 and they get 8% of that. Something is wrong with this picture but that is how it is done. That is why we have chosen to do our own, may not sell as much but get 100% of profits and done business with other people where we can negotiate our own deals for clothing. He is still on their contract, because there is no choice, but have other contracts also. Then it is a pain to draw your money out of the account.
I have talked to Spyre but I think the contract with them was a bad deal for the athletes of UT. Yes, some are doing real well and that is good.
The problem I have with NIL is that the incoming athletes are getting these large NIL deals and the ones who are already here in every sport are not getting those. There should be some way to equal it out. The sad part is most of our baseball team will come out owing $60-85,000 in student debt when others are making $100,000's or as football and basketball players millions. I don't think most contributors know this to be the case. As much publicity as Kirby and others have gotten, they still do not and/or did not have any NIL deals that paid anything significant. I'm trying to keep this to my child and not throw any others under the bus but I know it is discussed among the athletes and the parents at P5 schools all over the country. As you can imagine, we have friends at almost every SEC school. I know the players that were already at LSU that are carrying their team right now did not get very little and most none of that $10 million. Something is wrong with that system.
The problem with the contract is it is all or nothing. Kirby had an individual contract with the shop which would have paid him nicely. Then Spyre got contract and he was told it was Spyre or nothing. He went from a 50% cut of profits to 8%. Not how business should be done, especially with college athletes and their university. When you understand that a t-shirt with their likeness is selling for $28 and after everybody gets their cut for creating, production, advertising, sales, and display (as I was told) the profit is about $6-8 and they get 8% of that. Something is wrong with this picture but that is how it is done. That is why we have chosen to do our own, may not sell as much but get 100% of profits and done business with other people where we can negotiate our own deals for clothing. He is still on their contract, because there is no choice, but have other contracts also. Then it is a pain to draw your money out of the account.
I have talked to Spyre but I think the contract with them was a bad deal for the athletes of UT. Yes, some are doing real well and that is good.
The problem I have with NIL is that the incoming athletes are getting these large NIL deals and the ones who are already here in every sport are not getting those. There should be some way to equal it out. The sad part is most of our baseball team will come out owing $60-85,000 in student debt when others are making $100,000's or as football and basketball players millions. I don't think most contributors know this to be the case. As much publicity as Kirby and others have gotten, they still do not and/or did not have any NIL deals that paid anything significant. I'm trying to keep this to my child and not throw any others under the bus but I know it is discussed among the athletes and the parents at P5 schools all over the country. As you can imagine, we have friends at almost every SEC school. I know the players that were already at LSU that are carrying their team right now did not get very little and most none of that $10 million. Something is wrong with that system.

It is and always has been dumb that baseball doesn't give full scholarships. Especially now with how popular the sport has gotten the last 10 years. Baseball should have 40 full scholarships.
Not a fan of Spyre and how they treat the players as a whole. They don't give enough to the players and Spyre's makes too much of the cut.

This bothers me. Feels false. I feel better with a direct line to the player. New territory we should plow it down i guess, but buy direct from the player, if possible.?.
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This bothers me. Feels false. I feel better with a direct line to the player. New territory we should plow it down i guess, but buy direct from the player, if possible.?.
Buy direct will always guarantee they get the money. Cut out the middle man. You have to start somewhere though. Build up your brand then branch off and do your own thing.
Buy direct will always guarantee they get the money. Cut out the middle man. You have to start somewhere though. Build up your brand then branch off and do your own thing.

And…I wouldn’t know where to start if we didn’t have a player’s dad here saying Merch is up. I know whose pockets I wanna line and I don’t want a cent of it to go to administrative costs.

If a player goes to the trouble of designing and printing and fulfillment all on their own, I’ll pay.

If a company is making money off kids and parents, taking advantage of the situation, nah, not doing that. NIL is legally, and for good reason, name, image, likeness. There’s only a grey area if it’s allowed to go on. That’s not how they market it. People who donate to Spyre should know where the money goes.

We shouldn’t have to rely on a parent’s perspective. I hope that all makes sense.

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