NCAA and Fulmer



Senior Member
Jan 21, 2005
The NCAA his backing him on this deposition deal. Thats awsome. Thats like the NCAA spitting in Bama's face.
Please remember, it's not Bama bringing this law suit. These coaches have nothing to do with Bama now, and we'd like all of this to go away as much as the vols do. I'd sure like to enter or end a football season with no controversary. I'm looking forward to the season starting( I love college football and wish it was year round). Speaking as one Bama fan, I am looking forward to Tenn. coming to Tuscaloosa, and I hope all goes well. I hope everyone has fun, and that there is some great tail gaiting. Of course, I want Bama to win, but I also want to prove that all Bama fans are not like the ones that you hear about. It seems that the good ones are never quoted.
it's sort of like the interview after the flood hits "We been flooded out 3 times in the last 4 yrs but we'll build it back!" we know there are good Alabama fans out there, but the sane ones don't make good press
Originally posted by volmanjr@Jul 1, 2005 10:21 AM
we know there are good Alabama fans out there, but the sane ones don't make good press

There are sane bama fans?

I have several good friends that are Alabama fans and they are as sick of Gallion and the rest of the BS as we are.
Originally posted by Bama My Heart@Jul 1, 2005 9:18 AM
and we'd like all of this to go away as much as the vols do.

Evident by every single Alabama board having zero football posts and 100% lawsuit posts
Originally posted by volmanjr@Jul 1, 2005 1:24 PM
I have several good friends that are Alabama fans and they are as sick of Gallion and the rest of the BS as we are.

Okay, but I'm not sure that answers Z0's question, now does it?


When I was very young we moved, and I was kind of shy and didn't know anybody, and for I time I was forced to hang out with the Bama kids, too.........
Originally posted by MemphisVol@Jul 1, 2005 10:56 PM
Okay, but I'm not sure that answers Z0's question, now does it?
When I was very young we moved, and I was kind of shy and didn't know anybody, and for I time I was forced to hang out with the Bama kids, too.........

Same here. I had to play with Bama kids too. Only my dad could help me through it.
I spent 14 yrs of my life living amongst the bammers , and had to put up with alot of chowder heads but most of my friends who are bama fans have a great respect for the rivalry and never even bring up the conspiracy crap.
Originally posted by Bama My Heart@Jul 1, 2005 9:18 AM
Please remember, it's not Bama bringing this law suit.  These coaches have nothing to do with Bama now, and we'd like all of this to go away as much as the vols do.  I'd sure like to enter or end a football season with no controversary.  I'm looking forward to the season starting( I love college football and wish it was year round).  Speaking as one Bama fan, I am looking forward to Tenn. coming to Tuscaloosa, and I hope all goes well.  I hope everyone has fun, and that there is some great tail gaiting.  Of course, I want Bama to win, but I also want to prove that all Bama fans are not like the ones that you hear about.  It seems that the good ones are never quoted.

There are some pretty good Bama fans around here. Unfortunately, they are vastly outnumbered by the followers of Gallion. I have been emailed several threads from Bama Mag and Tider Insider and am absolutely repulsed. I had a 1-1/2" orange T on the corner of the back window of my car and took it off after being keyed twice and having a tire slashed once.

It seems like the state motto is hatred. I wish that mindset would go away.
Sorry to hear that you have to put up with that kind of crap BHam, most of the folks I know are from North Alabama, around Huntsville and Scottsboro, but I don't live there anymore so maybe it is worse than what I am seeing from my friends
Originally posted by Bama My Heart@Jul 1, 2005 9:18 AM
Please remember, it's not Bama bringing this law suit.  These coaches have nothing to do with Bama now, and we'd like all of this to go away as much as the vols do.  I'd sure like to enter or end a football season with no controversary.  I'm looking forward to the season starting( I love college football and wish it was year round).  Speaking as one Bama fan, I am looking forward to Tenn. coming to Tuscaloosa, and I hope all goes well.  I hope everyone has fun, and that there is some great tail gaiting.  Of course, I want Bama to win, but I also want to prove that all Bama fans are not like the ones that you hear about.  It seems that the good ones are never quoted.

Welcome to the board. I've met many Bama fans who don't buy into all the crap. However, it's more than a lunatic fringe of fans that have bought into it.

Most disturbing to me has been the accusations from many Bama fans that UT fans would be violent in Knoxville when the reality is that the hate is one-sided. UT fans don't like Bama but they don't spew the venom and hate that so many Bama fans do about UT.

I'm reading to get back to good old fashion football hate :p Not this conspiracy and evil crap.
I must compliment the Bama fans i met when we beat them at Neyland last year. For the most part they were decent and didnt open their mouths. All the rednecks must have stayed in Bama in their double wides waiting for the Bear to make an appearance and lead them back to greatness!

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