NCAA and Indian Insult



Senior Member
Aug 6, 2005
The recent decision by the NCAA to stop the use of Indian references with the post season games is really an insult to some of us unfortunate and often overlooked Americans of Irish Decent.

How frustrating it is for us poor and downtrodden Irish Protestant decendants to see that Catholic School somewhere up North referred to as the Fighting Irish. After all, it's bad enough to call them Irish but to add insult to injury to refer to the Irish as "Fighting". Their just piling on the insults.

Also, isn't it about time we stopped Syracuse from calling its team the "Orangemen". William of Orange rolls over in his grave, with or without his head, and the rest of us poor and often insulted Irish Protestants can't sleep nights when we here those "Orangemen" references.

And even my alma mater calls its players the "Big Orange".

After all, if God had not invented Whiskey we Irishmen would have put the rest of the world into servitude. But now the sports team insult us throughout the year and the NCAA overlooks our plight. :cool:
:birgits_giggle: Nothing beats a nice dose of morning sarcasm!

This thing has probably gone a little far. I don't see what's so "degrading" or "insulting" about using a tribe name, or the term "Indians," for example. Now, there is apparently a AA school named the "Savages," and that just might be a little touchy.
Originally posted by kiddiedoc@Aug 10, 2005 8:56 AM
:birgits_giggle:  Nothing beats a nice dose of morning sarcasm!

This thing has probably gone a little far.  I don't see what's so "degrading" or "insulting" about using a tribe name, or the term "Indians," for example.  Now, there is apparently a AA school named the "Savages," and that just might be a little touchy.

With us all so excited about the prospects of the upcoming season, I thought a bit of levity my refresh us one and all.

The NCAA has gotten completely carried away. This "Political Correctness" that seems to sweeping the country/world is preposterous. Folks need to lighten up a bit and smell the roses.
What gets me are the people that sincerely believe that changing mascots will have an impact on society as a whole. Making the Seminoles or Utes or Illini change their nickname isn't going to raise the standard of living of one single Native American.
Originally posted by GAVol@Aug 10, 2005 8:29 AM
Making the Seminoles or Utes or Illini change their nickname isn't going to raise the standard of living of one single Native American.

. . .Or "right the wrongs" of our ancestors. What I think goes too far is when we make special rules or accommodations that are supposed to pay a minority group back for transgressions of the past. Were I Native American, I would be insulted by such a notion. Like "So if you give me a little piece of worthless land and let me run my own casino, and you'll stop calling college teams "Indians," then that will make up for all the innocent people that were slaughtered en route to virtually exterminating my race from this vast continent? Right.

And, don't even get me started on Affirmative Action.

The way I see it, and the way most of the young adults that I know view things, we are all AMERICANS and should move past the ignorance of our forefathers. Sure, things like rebel flags and the term "Savages" are painful reminders of slavery and murder and have no place in our modern world. But you can go too far. As far as I believe, we are all equal and should be treated as such.
Well maybe they should change their nicknames to something like the Florida State Roulettte Wheels or the Utah Nickle Slots to show omage to the Native American's plot to stick it back to the white man. This PC crap has really gotten out of hand !
Originally posted by volmanjr@Aug 10, 2005 9:42 AM
Florida State Roulettte Wheels or the Utah Nickle Slots

:lolabove: LO(very)L
Here are some other mascot names (non-Indian) that could be offensive (refer to a group of people). These refer to a race, a nationality, a profession, a profession's nickname, a religion and other groupings of people.

Fighting Irish
Flying Dutchmen
Battling Bishops
Cardinals (if the religious position)
Claim Jumpers
Gothic Knights
Hustlin' Quakers
Little Johns
Lord Jeffs
Praying Colonels
Ragin' Cajuns
Royal Crusaders
Toreros (bullfighters)
Women of Troy
We must now embrace the sensitivities of all those fine folks who make up that wonderful organization we all love and know as PETA.

For years they have been complaining that we sports enthusiasts have misused the wonderful expressions of the animal kingdom to our fiendish design.

So, as of today, no more use of the name Tiger, Bulldog, Lions, and of course, all names in reference to the winged world such as Falcons, Eagles, and Hawks must cease and desist.

I don't know where we will turn for restoration. Perhaps we could begin naming our beloved teams after the botanical world; The Oaks, The Hickories and .... my personal favorite ... The Squashes.

No, that would never do, the environmentalist, tree huggers would not feel all warm and fuzzy over that, I'm sure. :fool:
Originally posted by kiddiedoc@Aug 10, 2005 9:40 AM
Sure, things like rebel flags and the term "Savages" are painful reminders of slavery and murder and have no place in our modern world.  But you can go too far.  As far as I believe, we are all equal and should be treated as such.

I see nothing wrong with the "rebel" flag. Many southern folks died for what they believed and only a small percentage fought the war for slavery. The rebel battle flag wasn't tarnished until radical hate groups started using it in the '60's. Sorry for the rant, I hate seeing southern folks talk like that but that's what most are taught in school these days. It's a shame.

As far a mascot name goes, it's a shame that a very small group can spoil things for others.
What the heck, let's just make the political correctness crapos and the NCAA happy and do away with nicknames...

I can hear it now: The Tennessee team is leading 17-14...hey, the Florida team just got a first down...hey the Tennessee team just recovered a fumble...well, it's halftime and the Tennessee team is leading the Florida team 17-14.

Geez, maybe then everybody will be happy.

What a farce all this stuff is!
Originally posted by OldVol@Aug 10, 2005 12:35 PM
We must now embrace the sensitivities of all those fine folks who make up that wonderful organization we all love and know as PETA.

For years they have been complaining that we sports enthusiasts have misused the wonderful expressions of the animal kingdom to our fiendish design.

So, as of today, no more use of the name Tiger, Bulldog, Lions, and of course, all names in reference to the winged world such as Falcons, Eagles, and Hawks must cease and desist.

I don't know where we will turn for restoration. Perhaps we could begin naming our beloved teams after the botanical world; The Oaks, The Hickories and .... my personal favorite ... The Squashes.

No, that would never do, the environmentalist, tree huggers would not feel all warm and fuzzy over that, I'm sure.   :fool:

Go get 'em, Old Vol!!! :rock:
Originally posted by surrealvol@Aug 10, 2005 11:59 AM
What the heck, let's just make the political correctness crapos and the NCAA happy and do away with nicknames...

I can hear it now:  The Tennessee team is leading 17-14...hey, the Florida team just got a first down...hey the Tennessee team just recovered a fumble...well, it's halftime and the Tennessee team is leading the Florida team 17-14.

Geez, maybe then everybody will be happy.

What a farce all this stuff is!

Well that may be fine for some but I'm offended by you using "team". :no:
Originally posted by Z06Vol@Aug 10, 2005 1:22 PM
Well that may be fine for some but I'm offended by you using "team".    :no:

Your reference to "team" is not politically correct either. After all, think how that insultS that group of Horses, Oxen or Mules that pull the wagons and the all to common Stage Coaches.

And don't forget how it hurts all those members of the Teamsters.

Don't even think about using "Players" either because those guys and gals out there in Las Vegas participating in the Poker Tournaments will be complete inflamed.

It can only be "those individuals participating the sport on behalf of the University of Tennessee, Florida, Alabama or Georgia. etc.".

Alternatively, however, we might choose to refer the teams collectively as "Slobber-Knockers" but then that will not work either because the druelers and/or women's anatomy protectionists might get up in arms. YOU KNOW WE MUST PLEASE EVERYONE!
For that matter, we can't use the tearm "coaches" since that is the term used for the burden-on-wheels that the poor "team" is forced to pull. Further, we can't use the term "fans" since it is merely a shortened form of "fanatic", which is a derogatory slur in anyone's book.

We must, heretofor, refer to anyone in the stadium, livingroom viewers, or radio listeners as merely "those people congregated in joint celebration of this sports event".

Note: The anylists can still be referred to as dumbasses.
"Note: The anylists can still be referred to as dumba**s."

but wouldn't that be an isult to all the upstanding dumba**s out there?
We must now embrace the sensitivities of all those fine folks who make up that wonderful organization we all love and know as PETA.

What does the organization of People Eating Tasty Animals have to do with this? :D :p :D :p
Originally posted by OldVol@Aug 10, 2005 11:35 AM
I don't know where we will turn for restoration. Perhaps we could begin naming our beloved teams after the botanical world; The Oaks, The Hickories and .... my personal favorite ... The Squashes.



I love your posts, OldVol.
this is so stupid.....america is so politically correct that u cant do anything anymore without hurting someones me, ok.

god ppl....what have we become? we are more sensitive than a woman on midol......damn.

i say everyone shut up and quit crying so much.....

and in my opinion most of these mascot names and the only thing remaining for native americans in america.....because the government has took everything else away from them.
Originally posted by Z06Vol@Aug 10, 2005 11:55 AM
I see nothing wrong with the "rebel" flag. Many southern folks died for what they believed and only a small percentage fought the war for slavery. The rebel battle flag wasn't tarnished until radical hate groups started using it in the '60's. Sorry for the rant, I hate seeing southern folks talk like that but that's what most are taught in school these days. It's a shame.

My apologies for my historical ignorance. As I remember, the "southern cross" was the most widely-used battle flag of the Confederate army. The confederacy was formed after a collection of "cotton states" seceded (as promised) from the United States of America following Lincoln's election out of fear that he would threaten slavery and, in turn, the agriculture and commerce of the South. Multiple documents, including the Constition of the Confederacy, the Declarations of Cessation, Davis's addresses to Congress, and the Emancipation Proclamation should serve as adequate evidence that slavery was, indeed, the central cause surrounding the division of our great union and the bloodshed that ensued.

This is not the time or place for a drawn-out debate over the civil war or whether or not I have been "mistaught." In fact, all that is beside the point. The central idea I stated is that the flag serves as a painful reminder (either directly or inferred) to many people of inhumanity, ignorance, hate, and inequality.

I was born in Tennessee, fly Orange and White, and speak with a touch of a drawl (or so I'm told by my Northern friends). However, claiming "Southern Heritage" by no means excludes me (or any other person) from the necessary and rightful civil duties of sensitivity, respect, and empathy toward others. To me, telling another racial or ethnic group that you don't care about how your actions or practices make them feel, especially when your choosing to maintain them or discard them will have no effect on your way of life, is downright selfish. And as for selfishness, my Southern upbringing has taught me that there is no greater shame .
Originally posted by duckman398686@Aug 10, 2005 7:41 PM
A team called the poets???????? :huh:

Whittier College Poets (Whittier, CA)

I think they are on Bama's non-conference schedule for 2006. Could be that signature win Shula needs. :p :laugh1:

Here's where I got the list

College Nicknames
I personally don't know if it is offensive or not if teams use these names, but if it is, then well I guess we can't use the name Tennessee or any other state name that was derived from their language. I guess we will have to rename a lot of rivers and towns too.

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