Ncaa Penalties

The NCAA has so much time on their hands...

How about a football playoff?

Here's what I think about the new standard for academics... :biteme:
"The NCAA will use a statistical adjustment, similar to the margin of error used in presidential polls, to prevent statistical anomalies for teams with few athletes."

Originally posted by KevB1990@Feb 28, 2005 7:14 PM
How about a football playoff?

That wont happen college presidents like the money they get from the bowl games!! If the Ncaa goes to playoffs... they as in the Ncaa gets to set the time of the game and they get the money from the games!! I know I go to a D2 school.
yeah or thugs that are dismissed should not count either
I don't see why such importance is being placed on the graduation rates of student athletes and not the general student. They say that if an athlete leaves college for the NFL and does not get his degree within a certain amount of time, that counts against the school. That is the whole reason the guy is playing to begin with. To get a job with the NFL. If playing football can get the kid to the NFL, then once he signs his contract with a pro team, his status for this "nerd keeping" practice should be satistied. After all, that is a guaranteed job, as opposed to the degree wich is guaranteed nothing in the working world. If the guy flops in the NFL, his signing bonus and salary should compensate nicely for him to afford to finish out a year or two of college education if he decideds to do so. If the athlete is dropped from a scholarship or quits the team, whatever happened to Mr. Pell Grant and Mr. Student loan? They got me through college becasue I really wanted to be there. is there not any student accountabiltity in any of this?

This whold thing smells of that smug bow tie Gordon Geek at Vandy. The same guy that once oversaw players not able to spell at Ohio St. and now the academic crusader of West End in Nashville.
Originally posted by Jefw@Mar 1, 2005 12:54 PM
This whold thing smells of that smug bow tie Gordon Geek at Vandy.

My thoughts exactly. Those low life sorry a$$es can't compete with the rest of the confrence. They would rather bring the rest of the confrence down to their level. It's time to kick them out of the SEC and stop giving them their annual welfare check from the bowl money.
This is stupid if you ask me. Our team could actually be punished for having players leave early for the draft? :bs: If they are going to enforce this new "925", then they need to also enforce some kind of rule that keeps players from leaving.

Why should the big football schools be punished because they have talented players going to the NFL? This all seems like a balancing act for those schools who don't have a lot of Vanderbilt!

This whole thing stinks. There has to be a better way.
If it penalizes kids for leaving early for the NFL... I could handle that, think about what would happen to Miami. :lol:
Originally posted by Orangewhiteblood@Mar 1, 2005 9:47 PM
Why should the big football schools be punished because they have talented players going to the NFL?

Exactly. Schools like us and Florida who churn out NFL players are penalized.

I've never understood the problem with kids leaving early for the NFL. If Microsoft waved a 7 figure deal at a junior business major, he'd be seen as a hero. What's the difference??
It has many flaws and I'm sure it will be tweeked in the future. Like Brent hubbs was saying earlier this evening. Whenever you get penalized for punishing a player by kicking him off the team because he was shooting a gun, you have a flaw in your system. This will affect what a school does in turns of discipline and its players, due to the fact that they will not won't to lose scholarships. That will definitely have to be addressed. Another thing is Crumps situation for example. He has already got his degree but once he leaves to train for the NBA, we will get penalized becasue he will be dropping out of the graduate school classes he is taking. If you get punished for a player leaving after his 4 years of eligiblity for basketball is up and he has already recieved his degree, you have a serious flaw in the system. There will be some very unhappy ADs and Coaches with this new system, but I expect some changes to take place. I believe that if a player transfers for playing time reasons and is in good academic standing when he/she transfers, the school should not be punshed. I also don't like the rule about punishing schools for a player leaving early to pursue a professional career in his sport.

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