For the love of frick, can BC just have his own Billy Costigan thread? Out of the 50 threads on the first page, 28% were started by BC. 95% of it would be better off in the end zone.
Neil Diamond -vs- Alice Cooper
how many DVD's do you have in your DVD collection?
a good online website to buy used DVD's?
The Hurt Locker -vs- Apocalypse Now
The Band Perry -vs- Lady Antebellum
a movie Christians need to go get from Redbox right now
Phil Collins -vs- Billy Joel
The swimming baby on Nirvana's album cover speaks out
1989's Mtv Music Video of the Year
Saw 8
"Heroes" star comes out of closet and says that he is a homosexual
Paul Walker could be playing Bruce Willis' son in Die Hard 5
Vicki Vallencourt -vs- Veronica Vaughn
*official 2 & 1/2 Men season premiere w/ Ashton Kutcher thread*