This isn't even a UT vs rival conversation.
Jesse palmer is objectively bad at his job. I could read off "sterotypical football comment" cue cards and do just as good as he does. He went to Florida. He was (still is) on the bachelor. I can't stand listening to him.
Jordan Rodgers went to Vandy. He cracks me up. He gives good insight to the game. He had the south carolina foot long corn dog comment (if you don't know what I'm referring to, Google it) and embraced it. He was also on the bachelor. I never want him to leave the sec network.
David Pollock... just was? He was on gameday. He said bland generic comments someone wrote for him. He talked about the talking points some writer told him to talk about. I don't actively dislike him, but any number of former players could do his former job.
If you're not special, you're replaceable. If someone just as qualified can do it cheaper, they will find that person.