New BCS poll.

Originally posted by milohimself@Jun 14, 2005 10:53 PM
UT doesn't *always* deserve the no. 1 ranking, LIO...


And to think I told you you were my pet.

Doesn't stop Tennessee from being number one in my heart. just if I were on a poll, I'd try to vote honestly.
Originally posted by milohimself@Jun 14, 2005 11:44 PM
Doesn't stop Tennessee from being number one in my heart. just if I were on a poll, I'd try to vote honestly.

I was just playin' baby.

I still luv ya.

Originally posted by milohimself@Jun 14, 2005 10:59 PM

I dont have any drawn out explaination, of how I'd do it, or even how it could be done fairly. But I think just about every team in the country would like to see a better system.

Its Boiled down to, you have to go undefeated. Last yr and im sure it's going to vary, but what if you have 5 zero loss teams? And what the he?? is a CO-CHAMP? Thats doesnt make sense.
Share the title but win the poll? HUH? I know what it all is suppose to mean, but come'on....poll's,computers,coaches,bigwigs, and money?

Rid all of the above and set a time and place. Winner takes all!
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jun 14, 2005 8:15 PM
I wish they'd pick ME as a voter.

There too many polls now and people are withdrawing. Who's the real National Champion? What poll really decides it? This is kind of good because this could end up causing a playoff system down the road.
why can't they just do it like d2 or d1aa? makes no sense why you couldn't make it uniform across the board. I went to Carson-Newman and I can tell you that playoff football is football at it's best!
Crazy, they can't do it because that would be the correct thing to do.
There has to be away for there to be a playoff and all the people who make money now can still make all that money or on the count of three, everyone put on thier thinking!
It just amazes me how they will do anything to proclaim a "TRUE" national champion, instead of doing the obvious---A PLAYOFF!!!
Well, you know a playoff might expose their perennial favorites as frauds when they have to play REAL teams from REAL conferences like the SEC.
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jun 15, 2005 9:31 PM
Well, you know a playoff might expose their perennial favorites as frauds when they have to play REAL teams from REAL conferences like the SEC.

You go girl!!! :bow:
If you happen to see vol_freak, would you please
tell him I made a post with "substance"?

I'd appreciate it.
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jun 15, 2005 9:36 PM
If you happen to see vol_freak, would you pleaset ell him I made a post with "substance"?


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