Was this ever in question? The complaint about Cheney was that he intimidated Satan.
If for no other reason than the Klamath question I will keep my pledge to never ever again vote for a
They raked Cheney over the coals for saving (albeit temporarily since we voted in that
LOWLIFE Soetoro) the farmers of Oregon's Klamath Valley and their water rights.
Those people were enticed to settle there with the promise of irrigation rights
FOREVER. They were WWI and WWII veterans, many of whom had accomplished military missions every bit as dangerous as our recent mission in Pakistan.
I don't want to belittle the men who accomplished the mission in Pakistan, not only those with boots on the ground but the many behind the scenes guys who had to be on point to pull it off, however the mission was accomplished in short order, many of the of the Klamath farmers or their ancestors had spend months, even years fighting out of trenches or assaulting beaches etc under fire and in the harshest of conditions to serve their country and maintain our hard won freedoms.
Did I mention I will never ever again vote for a
They had invested their family fortunes and generations of work to build canals and pipelines to provide a good souce of food to America and then we pulled the plug and blew up the dam for the sake of some oddball, treehugger, enviro-nazi issue that was as bogus as any they've ever come up with and they certainly have plenty of screwy ideas.
Threee bowls of fruit!
Biden isn't fit to kiss Cheney's ass!!!
Biden briefing Kerry this past Monday night before he outed SEAL team six.
So he could out more CIA operatives?
Only an
AIRHEADED SLUG could get the facts sooooo wrong!
Never intended to defend Biden and don't think it was implied. I was pointing out Chaney was no saint/better than anyone. What he did was against the law. He disclosed the name of a CIA operative for political reasons. Do you defend that?
Armitage, John Kerry's candidate for Secretary of Defense (or should I say secretary of
DENSE) was the one who outed Plame, who needed no outing, everyone on the Washington party circuit knew she sorked for the CIA and she was certainly no operative, she was a stupid desk jockey who used her position to send her husband to Africa to sip mint tea in a hotel lobby and listen to some bureaucrat say they weren't selling yellowcake to Iraq.
They had already sold hundreds of tons to yellowcake to Iraq and why would Saddam send a trade delegation there when they had nothing
BUT yellowcake to sell??
At any rate John Kerry spent forty five minutes on the floor of the Senate extoling on Hussein's nuclear threat that would produce bombs within six months, so did every prominate democrat until the day after we invaded then they changed their stories completely.
Bush called them the party of political expediency and he was as right as rain!
His toady did get prosecuted. Chaney is far too smart (and ruthless) to take the hit.
Again, only an
AIRHEAD SLUG could get the fact so screwed up.
Libby was convicted of lying to the FBI on the word of a bug eyed broadcaster who was lying through his teeth!!
Libby was NEVER charged with perjury!! That's stupid!
BTW, Armitage said he would have resigned if he had known the waterboarding was going on, this coming from a man who had threatened to bomb Pakistan back into the stone age if they didn't cooperate.
As it turned out, waterboarding played a roll in the capture of bin Laden.
Also, every SEAL undergoes waterboarding as part of his training!
Did I mention is loath dhimmicrap toadies who try to perptetuate all sorts of lies on a daily basis?
Either trough lying or just plain everyday