New Photos Of Erik Ainge?



Eternally Optimistic
Aug 10, 2004
Tennessee quarterback Erik Ainge is sporting a new look. He's bleached his hair blonde.

Post pics here if you've got 'em.
What is it with these west coast QBs and their hairstyles?? :D
Probably true . . . Man you just don't forget do you? I knew I should have never posted a reference to hair loss. :blink: :lol:
the ninja has the patience of an oyster, just waiting for the right set-up to pounce! ( I'm still searching for that orange spandex too baby WHOOO!) besides what the hell else have I got to do while there's no football going on!
I hope the hair color change does not affect his IQ?

Here is a photoshopped look.....


  • ainge_blonde.jpg
    18.8 KB · Views: 5
W-E-A-K, that's all i have to say about that! :bad: :beer: :shakehead: :disappointed: :jawdrop: :lame:
Originally posted by allvol@Feb 17, 2005 11:19 AM
I hope the hair color change does not affect his IQ?

Here is a photoshopped look.....

Let's just hope his hairstylist is better than Photoshop.
Erik Ainge with blonde hair ....thats a scary thought! lol. I'm hopin it does look better than the photoshop!
seriously....the go for blonde hair shows me the edge i needed to take clausen over ainge in a second and heres why...(by the way I was always pro ainge and thought the season was over when rick came in) clausen is pure offense, he knows could see it when he sent in hand signals as a back up. he was solid under pressure(ie auburn) , but ainge is the hopeful we all wished 4...a talented kid from nowhere who delivered bombs. Any1 ..... ANY man that dyes their hair blonde is shallow, weak , and unreliable.if ya sk me the chart says clausen.....shaeffer....ainge......cromton
What is it with this blond hair thing....I really can't stand it.....if he wins games, he could have pink hair for all I really care though
Originally posted by dan4vols@Feb 19, 2005 1:43 AM
ANY man that dyes their hair blonde is shallow, weak , and unreliable.if ya sk me the chart says clausen.....shaeffer....ainge......cromton

:blink: Being a little hard on the guy aren't ya? What if he naturally had blond hair and dyed it black? Then would you think he is good enough to be our QB? :rolleyes:
Hey if he wants to dye it blonde, let him......It don't matter if its blue, green, orange, or frikkin hot pink its his hair and he can do what he wants with it....IT don't mean he is weak...I don't see you out there doing what he's doin dan4vols
Dale Jr., Tiger Woods, A-Rod . . . it seems to have become a rite of passage.
agreed I was a lil harsh about him. I guess im turning into a grumpy old conservative that thinks a out of the mainstream hairstyle is a sign of a young man not taking his football as seriously as I think he should. I also should wait for his performance before I throw out the criticism.
Originally posted by dan4vols@Feb 19, 2005 5:19 PM
agreed I was a lil harsh about him. I guess im turning into a grumpy old conservative

Well, admitting and accepting it are the hardest things to do! :lol:

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