New Terrorism threats



VolNation's Grand Poobah
Staff member
Oct 22, 2003
Anyone following this today?

:bad: :bad:
Gov't Warns of Threats Against Buildings

By JENNIFER C. KERR, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - The federal government warned Sunday of possible terrorist attacks against "iconic" financial institutions in New York City, Washington and Newark, N.J., saying a confluence of intelligence over the weekend pointed to a car or truck bomb.

Specifically, the government named these buildings as potential targets:

_The Citicorp building and the New York Stock Exchange (news - web sites) in New York City.

_The International Monetary Fund (news - web sites) and the World Bank (news - web sites) buildings in Washington.

_The Prudential building in Newark.

"The preferred means of attack would be car or truck bombs," Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said in a briefing with journalists. That would be a primary means of attack."

The government said the new intelligence indicated the meticulous planning of al-Qaida. He identified explosives as the likely mode of attack, as opposed to a chemical or biological attack or a radiological "dirty" bomb.

Ridge said the government's threat level for financial institutions would be raised to orange, or high alert, but would remain at yellow, or elevated, elsewhere.

Ridge said it would be up to New York City officials to decide whether to move to the highest level, red. The city has remained on orange since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

The threat potential remains through the Nov. 2 elections, Ridge said.

The secretary said the government took the unprecedented step of naming specific buildings because of the level of specificity of the intelligence. "This is not the usual chatter. This is multiple sources that involve extraordinary detail," Ridge said. He said the government decided to notify the public because of the specificity of detail it had obtained.

Ridge acknowledged that protecting these buildings, located in heavily populated areas, would require additional security measures, especially because thousands of cars and trucks travel through these cities daily.

"Car and truck bombs are one of the most difficult tasks we have in the war on terror," Ridge said.

Local and state officials were notified earlier in the day and Ridge said new security procedures were already being implemented.

The government provided a wealth of detail that it had picked up in the past 36 hours, but a senior intelligence official described it only on condition of anonymity. The official described "excruciating detail" and meticulous planning "indicative of al-Qaida."

The official said the intelligence included security in and around these buildings; the flow of pedestrians; the best places for reconnaissance; how to make contact with employees who work in the buildings; the construction of the buildings; traffic patterns; locations of hospitals and police departments; and which days of the week present less security at these buildings.

To illustrate the level of detail obtained, the official cited these examples: midweek pedestrian traffic of 14 people per minute on each side of the street for a total of 28 people; that some explosives might not be hot enough to melt steel; and that the construction of some buildings might prevent them from falling down.


The official said he had not seen such extraordinary detail in his 24 years in intelligence work.

A White House spokeswoman, Erin Healy, said the intelligence on the threat is "very new, coming in during the last 72 hours."

"The president made the final decision today agreeing with the recommendation of Secretary Ridge to go ahead and raise the threat level in these select areas," Healy said.

This was the first time the color-coded warning system had been used in such a narrow, targeted way, Ridge said at a news conference at department headquarters.

"With this kind of information comes action," Ridge said. "This is sobering news."

This step will "bring protective resources to an even higher level" and alert industry employees to be extra vigilant, he said. Actions to tighten security around the five buildings he specifically named are under way, Ridge said.

He said workers at those buildings should get guidance from security officers at each site and remain alert as they go to work.

Originally posted by vol_freak@Aug 1, 2004 2:00 PM

He said workers at those buildings should get guidance from security officers at each site and remain alert as they go to work.

Yeah, right. They would have to FORCE me into any of those buildings until the threat level was lowered.

Originally posted by LadyinOrange+Aug 1, 2004 3:07 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (LadyinOrange @ Aug 1, 2004 3:07 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-vol_freak@Aug 1, 2004 2:00 PM

He said workers at those buildings should get guidance from security officers at each site and remain alert as they go to work.

Yeah, right. They would have to FORCE me into any of those buildings until the threat level was lowered.

:bad: [/quote]
It would be really scary having to go to work at one of those places, but that&#39;s like letting them win if we allow these threats to shut down our lives.

Now I am hearing that Christian churches have been car bombed in Iraq. A total of 5 bombs. :shakehead:
Sad.............. :( Its a shame we have to live this way. Makes me scared for my kids. What in the world is it gonna be like in 30 years??? :bad:
Originally posted by la.lovesorange@Aug 2, 2004 3:32 PM
Sad.............. :( Its a shame we have to live this way. Makes me scared for my kids. What in the world is it gonna be like in 30 years??? :bad:

At this rate it may not still be here. :unsure:
I will tell you all where it will end&#33; With my and my Air Force. If the country can get enough balls (no offense) :( And we get the green light to bomb these terrorists and their miserable countries further back than the stone age you will never have to worry about it again. :naughty: I am a weapons specialist on the A-10 and I know it has enough firepower alone to destroy much of what the terrorists hold dear :machinegun: Until then however, just trust that me and the Air Force I work for will stop at nothing to defend our country even from Germany. Your lives our in our very capable hands and we will not let one of you fall&#33; this is what I say to terrorists :finger:
Being eager to pull out the warthog because somebody dared to raise our bet is how we got here.

We&#39;re not going through anything new, it&#39;s just new to us. If we&#39;re so special, shouldn&#39;t we at least make a gratuitous attempt at something besides the same response that&#39;s been failing around the world for centuries?

Knee-jerk pacifism and "bomb&#39;em til they glow" are proven failures. If America&#39;s such a hot new answer in the world, then let&#39;s at least try something new. We sure couldn&#39;t do any worse than the old crap people have failed at before that&#39;s produced what we&#39;re suffering now.

When you&#39;re America, you can always go back and bomb&#39;em later if not being the same old idiot doesn&#39;t work out.
Interesting, Memphis, what would you propose? I agree with you to some extent, but after our failed policy of simply ignoring the problem before 9/11 (USS Kohl, Somalia, African embassy bombings), can you really blame anybody for wanting to try using force in a pre-emptive manner? I would argue that it was not wielding force that got us here, it was complacency. We failed in some ways to adjust to a post-Cold War environment, and the success of the first Gulf War lulled us into a false sense of security; hence the intelligence failures that landed us in this predicament. :twocents:

We didn&#39;t ignore the problem before 9/11, we defied anyone to cause us a problem before 9/11. We created, supported, then abandoned not just a host of "freedom fighters" like Osama, but also created & supported some of the 20th century&#39;s worst dictators, including the Shah of Iran, Sadaam Hussein, and Noreiga.

Of course the freedom fighters we abandoned to horror when they were no longer any use to us hate us, and of course the victims of the dictators we supported because they were "anti-red" or otherwise politically useful hate us.

America has acted hypocritically- to its own ideals- for over half a century in the 3rd World, and caused a huge, huge amount of suffering in the process.

So the question is, now that we&#39;ve acted in a way gauranteed to make anybody hate us for so long that they&#39;ve sunk to murdering us back, what&#39;s the best way to end the situation? We&#39;re the biggest Boy on the block. We&#39;re in charge. Do we beat the crap out of them for daring to make us suffer too, or do we really drive them crazy and decide to prove our superiority by working to undo what we did in the name of the ends justifies the means during the cold war?

The terrorists we&#39;ve created love it when we pull our military peckers out- it feeds their twisted world-view.

Alternately, the last thing they want is an America that admits past wrongs, and is dedicated to REALLY being a force for human rights around the world.

Ironically, right now, most Americans are even more eager to strike back to satisfy our lust than the terrorists are to have us strike back so that they can have something new they can claim justifies their&#39;s.
Originally posted by MemphisVol@Aug 11, 2004 11:58 AM
America has acted hypocritically- to its own ideals- for over half a century in the 3rd World, and caused a huge, huge amount of suffering in the process.

I think that&#39;s a little over the top . . .
Originally posted by airman4vols@Aug 11, 2004 4:49 AM
I will tell you all where it will end&#33; With my and my Air Force. If the country can get enough balls (no offense) :( And we get the green light to bomb these terrorists and their miserable countries further back than the stone age you will never have to worry about it again. :naughty: I am a weapons specialist on the A-10 and I know it has enough firepower alone to destroy much of what the terrorists hold dear :machinegun: Until then however, just trust that me and the Air Force I work for will stop at nothing to defend our country even from Germany. Your lives our in our very capable hands and we will not let one of you fall&#33; this is what I say to terrorists :finger:

Dude, I just got back from Iraq (second over 2 years served over in the Middle East) and though some of what you say is correct....many of it is not.
I must admit its amazing to see how wrong many of our countries newspaper and media sources are when describing what goes on in Iraq
Originally posted by U&#045;T@Aug 18, 2004 6:21 PM
I must admit its amazing to see how wrong many of our countries newspaper and media sources when describing what goes on in Iraq

That&#39;s unfortunate. :bad:

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