New York attorney general adds 'criminal capacity' to probe of Trump Organization

These people must be scared shitless that he’ll run again.
Of course they are. We did the unfathomable once; people have lost confidence in the American public's ability to avoid making
catastrophic and idiotic decisions.
Of course they are. We did the unfathomable once; people have lost confidence in the American public's ability to avoid making
catastrophic and idiotic decisions.
People also believe in Bigfoot, it doesn’t make either true. People can certainly make dumb decisions and can also live with the consequences of those decisions. The key is allowing people to decide for themselves.
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People also believe in Bigfoot, it doesn’t make either true. People can certainly make dumb decisions and can also live with the consequences of those decisions. The key is allowing people to decide for themselves.
I'm all for people collectively deciding for themselves.
I'm also all for educating people to foster informed decision making.
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Absolutely. Unfortunately our educational system is subpar.
To me that's a little like saying our healthcare system is subpar because we are such an obese, lazy, and drug addicted society with a comparatively poor life expectancy while being the most expensive in the world.
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Of course they are. We did the unfathomable once; people have lost confidence in the American public's ability to avoid making
catastrophic and idiotic decisions.
That doesn't end with Trump, America's follow up choice was just the double down on idiocy. In fact early returns could easily be argued he's an even greater distaster.
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To me that's a little like saying our healthcare system is subpar because we are such an obese, lazy, and drug addicted society with a comparatively poor life expectancy while being the most expensive in the world.
I would argue that obesity is primarily due to the decisions of adults who have already been through our education system.
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It would be nice to see some justice served, but I'll believe it when I see it... These Elitists always get off
Seems like they wouldn't be doing this if they thought he might become the most powerful man in the world, again. I wouldn't
He can't win anything if you knock him out of the race early. For recent reference note how quickly Cuomo went from genius savior to sleazy old people murderer when his name was in the air for 2024.
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To me that's a little like saying our healthcare system is subpar because we are such an obese, lazy, and drug addicted society with a comparatively poor life expectancy while being the most expensive in the world.
Keep reading this post. There may be hope for you yet
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It would be nice to see some justice served, but I'll believe it when I see it... These Elitists always get off
Let's see what crimes were allegedly committed first. Does your outrage predicated solely on political affiliation or do you claim some semblance of objectivity?

Remember he was one of the New York elite the Democrats in power loved and lined up to take pictures with him until they decided they didn't like his politics. The fishing expeditions are comical to me. They know he's doing shady stuff because it's common practice among the elite there. They know they'll find something. I don't feel bad for Trump though, just find it comical because this is purely political. New York elitist shouldn't applaud this too much, those sharpened knives will be turned on them next.
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I would argue that obesity is primarily due to the decisions of adults who have already been through our education system.
lol.....The education system does have difficulty overcoming the poor decisions and inadequate child rearing of adults.
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While this is true in a lot of cases, and I do agree that parenting is also subpar in this country, one could easily argue that schools are almost equally responsible for the rearing of kids considering how much time is spent at school vs how much time (not sleeping) is spent with the parents.
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The man and organization has done business in NY for over 50 years, hobnobbed with all the NY politicians and zero legal problems in NY UNTIL he wins the presidency.
Untrue, he has been committing tax fraud for 50 years right under the nose of the IRS. It took intrepid journalists at the NYT with no tax or business background to expose his lies. THEY GOT HIM NOW.
While this is true in a lot of cases, and I do agree that parenting is also subpar in this country, one could easily argue that schools are almost equally responsible for the rearing of kids considering how much time is spent at school vs how much time (not sleeping) is spent with the parents.
Sure, but I don't view it as a very strong argument.
1440 hrs (180 x 8) compared to 7320 (185 x 16 + 180 x 8).
Plus there are those most important first 5 years.
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Sure, but I don't view it as a very strong argument.
1440 hrs (180 x 8) compared to 7320 (185 x 16 + 180 x 8).
Plus there are those most important first 5 years.
This assumes the parents stay home with the kids during all breaks which I think is typically not the case.
This assumes the parents stay home with the kids during all breaks which I think is typically not the case.
The point is parents have many times more hours with their children than do schools.
Plus the first five years are absolutely essential and completely out of the hands of the educational system.

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