New York can't afford to lose many more tax refugees

They’re moving to my city by the boatload. Idiots need to change their politics more than their locale

Yep, they escape the areas with high crime, high taxes and then vote for the SAME ****ING PEOPLE THAT GOT WHERE THEY LEFT THAT WAY IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Colorado used to be a great state. Since the liberal mob that escaped from the west coast rolled in and started mucking it up by electing idiots, it's become Cali East.
"It's Just Too Expensive" - Almost Half Bay Area Residents "Want Out" | Zero Hedge

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You all are the same people that said F'em because Trumps tax reform would hurt these states the most. It's time for them to retire and buy a nice piece of farm land beside you.
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You all are the same people that said F'em because Trumps tax reform would hurt these states the most. It's time for them to retire and buy a nice piece of farm land beside you.

It’s not all retirees.
WAIT.......Evil says that all the blue states/cities are the best places to live.....huuuummmmm.......
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Unfortunately, no. And they are living the definition of insanity by trying the same thing (voting in liberal politicians) that failed time and time again where they moved from.

Maybe they didn't vote for them? Blue states aren't 100% blue
And then, we have water restrictions from the government.


Tammy Bruce: California's new water rules are making people flee the Golden State | Fox News

“Please sir, I want some more,” is no longer a sentiment just for Oliver Twist in the orphanage. A new law in California limits how much water can be used by each household. Now their showers, how many flushes, and how often they can do their laundry will be under the watchful eye of the state government.

This from politicians who have pushed policies creating homeless and drug abuse crises throughout the state. They have now decided to clamp down on the use of the most basic needs of civilized living.

Zero Hedge reported, “Assembly Bill 1668 is where it gets personal. This establishes limits on indoor water usage for every person in California and the amount allowed will decrease even further over the next 12 years. ‘The bill, until January 1, 2025, would establish 55 gallons per capita daily as the standard for indoor residential water use, beginning January 1, 2025, would establish the greater of 52.5 gallons per capita daily or a standard recommended by the department and the board as the standard for indoor residential water use, and beginning January 1, 2030, would establish the greater of 50 gallons per capita daily or a standard recommended by the department and the board as the standard for indoor residential water use …’”
Ironic considering California's western border.

Even more ironic they have a rather huge desert that something like this should work well in:

The solar-dome desalination system -

Provided, you'd need a pretty serious pump system to draw it from the Pacific to areas it would work best, but I'm pretty sure solar energy could provide a significant portion of power to move said water before processing.

However, I'm sure there is an endangered species of desert grass that would take priority over people's immediate needs. So, no, won't do it.
was hoping for some actual numbers on how this was hurting things. how many people had left, how many more they could afford to lose, etc?
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They’re moving to my city by the boatload. Idiots need to change their politics more than their locale

Yes, but the idiots want to bring their failed politics with them. Probably the best thing for damn yankees is to give them a lobotomy and send them home - via United in a pet carrier.
And then, we have water restrictions from the government.


Tammy Bruce: California's new water rules are making people flee the Golden State | Fox News

The fools never took the time to look at the land and decide how large a population it could support and limit growth. Then they destroyed the dams that stored mountain runoff - to save the fish. No state in the union preserves, fosters, and protects insanity as well as CA. WA and OR try hard though.

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