Newest Asst Basketball Coach

Scott Edgar is an incredible hire! I can't beleive Pearl got him. It's better than getting Anderson himself from UAB because Edgar is the recruiting Guru for the Memphis Area. Yes Buzz, maybe we just will build us a practice facility in Memphis! Not only is Edgar a great recruiter but he was a big part of Richardson's NCAA runs in Arkansas and is responsible for alot of Anderson's success at UAB and was a successful head coach himself at Murray State, himself going to the NCAA and his style of play is just like Pearls Press! Pow! Score! Wake up Vol Nation this is a coup for Tennessee!
Ditto. I was a student at Murray State when Edgar was there. He got us some great talent at MSU and at Arkansas. He's a winner! Pearl's using his head. He knows there's a wealth of talent in Memphis next year, and he knows Edgar is big in Memphis. I've heard that Edgar has already made in-roads with some of those big-time players while at UAB, but he didn't believe he could get them to go to UAB. Hopefully, he'll get them to come to UT. I believe he will.

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