Nintendo Switch and Switch Lite Chatter

Actually check I'm reading the "free game" you get is a VC game and you can only play it for that month.

If that is true, that's some crap.
You can only play it for that month? Lol tf?

It's unclear. The wording is weird, it says you can "download and play for free for a month". It can either mean it's like Xbox and PS where you have a month to get it and then it goes back to being not free, or it can mean it's avaiable to play for free for a month. Gamespot is the place I read where they think it means it's only playable a month.

Surely that can't be right.
It's unclear. The wording is weird, it says you can "download and play for free for a month". It can either mean it's like Xbox and PS where you have a month to get it and then it goes back to being not free, or it can mean it's avaiable to play for free for a month. Gamespot is the place I read where they think it means it's only playable a month.

Surely that can't be right.

Sounds like something Nintendo would do though. Like making you pay to redownload games.
Here's an extremely quick snippet of the Switch's UI. Very clean looking.

Forbes Welcome

Here's a link to the price of everything. Seems like alot of money for a tablet with 0 games.

Not true! You can play this gem at launch! :)

Here's the updated release lineup between launch and the end of the year. I'm sure this will change some though between now and then.

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I disagree. I think the Switch is going to be a huge success for Nintendo.

I'll take the other side. Too expensive. It'll be a flop a year from now.

If you want a Switch, wait til this fall when Gamestop is overflowing with used units being traded in for the Xbox Scorpio. At that time, the only 3 or 4 games worth owning will actually be available as well.
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I disagree. I think the Switch is going to be a huge success for Nintendo.

I agree. It's still to this day pretty hard to find a wii or a Wii U. Some folks just eat Nintendo stuff up. I am getting 1 so that my wife will play some with me. I haven't touched my Xbox one in weeks. I'm trading in my wii and PS4 for the switch. I think it will be pretty successful
I agree. It's still to this day pretty hard to find a wii or a Wii U. Some folks just eat Nintendo stuff up. I am getting 1 so that my wife will play some with me. I haven't touched my Xbox one in weeks. I'm trading in my wii and PS4 for the switch. I think it will be pretty successful

As a parent of 2 young boys, its nice to know theres a console option out there thats family-focused and provides a lot of age-appropriate content for kids. I love my PS4 but theres very few games on it my son will play. Ratchet And Clank and Rayman Legends are about it. He plays his 3DS way more than he does anything else.

Nintendo is the "Walt Disney" of gaming and they've pioneered so many innovations that helped shape gaming into what it is today. D-pads, shoulder buttons, analogue sticks, analogue shoulder buttons, mobile gaming, touch screens, dual screens, rumble, motion controls, 3D, augmented reality, controller speakers, etc all got their start on Nintendo products.

I think people who want to see Nintendo out of the hardware business arent giving them their due credit in terms of their contrbutions to our hobby. I think a healthy thriving Nintendo is good for the industry. Have they made mistakes and have been short-sighted about certain things? Sure but show me one console provider that hasn't at one time or another. Wii U was a mistake. Virtual Boy was a mistake. But other than those 2, Nintendo has always delivered solid systems with great games.
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I agree. It's still to this day pretty hard to find a wii or a Wii U. Some folks just eat Nintendo stuff up. I am getting 1 so that my wife will play some with me. I haven't touched my Xbox one in weeks. I'm trading in my wii and PS4 for the switch. I think it will be pretty successful

Well the Wii has been out of production almost 4 years now, so no brainer it's harder to find one. But if you can't find a Wii U then you're not looking because they are everywhere. It's been Nintendo's worst selling console not counting the Virtual Boy.
I'll take the other side. Too expensive. It'll be a flop a year from now.

If you want a Switch, wait til this fall when Gamestop is overflowing with used units being traded in for the Xbox Scorpio. At that time, the only 3 or 4 games worth owning will actually be available as well.

I'm in the middle. I think it will probably do better than the Wii U, but it won't sell anywhere close to what their better systems did.
I'm in the middle. I think it will probably do better than the Wii U, but it won't sell anywhere close to what their better systems did.

The thing is, naysayers want to just look at the failing of the Wii U, yet they tend to forget there's a handheld market out there right now where there's like 60 million 3DS owners. Nintendo dominates hand held gaming and the Switch IS a hand held device that has the added bonus of being able to connect to your TV. While Wii U had a drought with games, the Switch wont have that problem because developers for both 3DS and Wii U games will be unified to make their games on a single platform. Even without 3rd party support, there will be a much more frequent cadence of 1st party titles than what Wii U got.
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What comes as no surprise is that every Switch will be sold at a profit from day one.

The Switch is out real soon and Nintendo seems keen on avoiding the pitfalls of the Wii U with their new console; the biggest one being that the console will sell at a profit from launch unlike its predecessor.

The news comes from Bloomberg tech reporter Yuji Nakamura following an investor briefing.

Nintendo has been focusing on a $300 price point for the console since the get-go. There are no Switch game bundles available on launch and the Joy-Con controller grip included in the box is just a plastic mount that won’t be able to charge them which is another way they’ve managed to keep the costs down.

So the high number of pre-orders has got to be great news for the company. The Japanese audience has already pre-ordered 80 percent of the Switch allotment for the country and it’s selling out elsewhere.

At the briefing, detailed over on Bloomeberg, Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima said that the company want to increase production for the Switch as they have “huge expectations based on how Switch reservations are doing.”

The Nintendo Switch launches on March 3 worldwide.
If you can't sell software you better make money on your hardware....and boy are they with all the overpriced accessories.

"Even without 3rd party support, there will be a much more frequent cadence of 1st party titles than what Wii U got."

This will be the 5th machine that Nintendo has promised this. They have yet to deliver. N64, Gamecube, Wii, and Wii U all lacked a decent software library. The N64 might be stretching it, I'll admit. ;)

C'mon March. Let's see how this starts panning out.
If you can't sell software you better make money on your hardware....and boy are they with all the overpriced accessories.

"Even without 3rd party support, there will be a much more frequent cadence of 1st party titles than what Wii U got."

This will be the 5th machine that Nintendo has promised this. They have yet to deliver. N64, Gamecube, Wii, and Wii U all lacked a decent software library. The N64 might be stretching it, I'll admit. ;)

C'mon March. Let's see how this starts panning out.

The difference this time around though is the hand held and home console development studios are now under one roof and they're all developing for one platform instead of two. That alone will make a huge difference in how prolific Nintendo's 1st party releases will be.

As far as 3rd party support goes, obviously sales will dictate how much support the Switch gets but my hunch is it will be similar to the 3DS' 3rd party support. A lot of Japanese developer support along with a lot of indie support. I don't think Western and European support will be that huge. EA might be there with Fifa and Madden every year. However you're not going to see Call of Duty or Battlefield on Switch and frankly, I wouldn't want to play those games there.
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