Nintendo Switch and Switch Lite Chatter

Hence why Nintendo is now putting games on mobile phones/tablets. Maybe that will help subsidize the loss in revenue from the dedicated mobile market.

Yeah, and I honestly think that is the first steps of their move to 3rd party status.

The more I think about it, this handheld hybrid may be a last ditch effort to see if they can still do the console thing, but also might be a purposeful swan song as a "parting gift" to their core fanbase.

If you think about it, combining a console with a handheld, and combining that with them starting to make mobile games, they may be publicly telling everyone that this is it, this is their last console effort.

Unless of course it DOES rejuvenate them, but I don't think it will. I can totally see this being it and next gen they go exclusively mobile gaming and 3rd party for their platformers.
A tablet with clip on, this thing IS revolutionary. Glad it's been under wraps so long so MS and Sony didn't rip it off.
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Yeah, and I honestly think that is the first steps of their move to 3rd party status.

The more I think about it, this handheld hybrid may be a last ditch effort to see if they can still do the console thing, but also might be a purposeful swan song as a "parting gift" to their core fanbase.

If you think about it, combining a console with a handheld, and combining that with them starting to make mobile games, they may be publicly telling everyone that this is it, this is their last console effort.

Unless of course it DOES rejuvenate them, but I don't think it will. I can totally see this being it and next gen they go exclusively mobile gaming and 3rd party for their platformers.

You very well could be right and hey, I'm all for it. I'm a fan of Nintendo games. I don't care what chipset runs them. Geez could you imagine the bidding war that would transpire between companies to try and secure exclusivity to specific Nintendo franchises? Still I can't help but think Nintendo is so stubborn and prideful, I could see them continuing to take losses just to save face and not have to put their games on Sony and MS consoles. The mobile market makes sense, considering Japan has all but moved to mobile gaming 100%. Plus that market is just different enough that I think Nintendo thinks it won't be perceived as an admission that they can't make it on their own consoles/handhelds anymore.
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I agree. I mean I liked the Wii, still have one hooked up to my office TV (haven't played it in over a year but still), but it legit was right place, right time. Everyone else moved on, Nintendo was like "they'll come back", and they didn't, and probably won't.

Let's face it, more people are more excited about the mini NES they are releasing than this.

I love the wii, I can play my GameCube library and emulate NES/SNES games. It also lets me transfer saves from my computer to my memory cards.
I love the wii, I can play my GameCube library and emulate NES/SNES games. It also lets me transfer saves from my computer to my memory cards.

The original Wii with BC for the GameCube is pretty awesome, but the later models I wouldn't bother owning. Especially the Wii Mini, that model is pretty much worthless.
Report: NX Handheld Dimensions, Layout Info, Lack of Region Lock

Today’s report comes from a source working on an NX title set to launch Holiday 2017, corroborated and lined up with information from sources we have worked with during the past week.
Our source has given us dimensions for the current NX development kit, as well as detailed diagrams for where things like power, headphones, storage devices and more connect to the device. Our previous sources agree that the dimensions and layout sound correct

As others already said, it’s a hybrid console with detachable controllers that have a split D-Pad, A, B, X, Y, and a camera / share button. However, something I believe none of them have mentioned is the size of the current dev kit.
It’s slightly thicker than the Nintendo 3DS XL when folded, so 25 mm, with a width of around 281 mm and a height of 92 mm with the controllers attached. Separated, the controllers have the same depth and height, and they both have a width of 38 mm, making the console itself have a width of 205 mm.
I’ve made a picture detailing where the TV port, headphone port, SD Card port, power button and cartridge port can be found.


One final thing I thought I should discuss is how the controllers connect. They’re both held by the console via a hole in each side of the system where the controllers can connect to. It sort of looks like this.


To take it out, there’s a button on the back of each controller that lowers the center spike that keeps it in place, making it eject from the system.​

We also have two separate sources claiming that the current NX development kits are region free, and that those developing software for it have not heard anything about region locking being added before launch.
So, who’s ready for Nintendo to actually come out and show us some official info on the NX already? I know I am. As much as I like digging up info on the system, I would rather us just actually know the official details from Nintendo so we could start a real conversation about the tech.

Also from a separate source...

Here is what I currently know about the NX prototype so far.

(Note: it’s unknown how the final product might change.)

  • In May, I said Nvidia was involved with the system. (Source)
  • The screen is around 6 inches (6.2 to be specific)
  • The portable screen has a 720p resolution.
  • Multi-touch touchscreen (Haven’t heard anything about a stylus.)
  • 32 GB of internal storage is on the NX dev kit. (They may increase storage to 64GB for the final retail unit, but I doubt it.)
  • There is an SD Card port.
  • Dock Station has at least 2 USB ports on prototype. Not sure about final product.
  • NX will support Unreal Engine 4 and Unity engine
  • NX is below Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in raw power.
  • Dev kits and prototypes are region free. I heard retail units will be region free too.
  • Nintendo still plans to support the 3DS with software through 2018.

Over the weekend, I contacted the talented Laura Kate Dale (LetsPlayVideoGames) and asked her if we could compare our NX prototype information. We came to the realization that we had the same information bullet point by bullet point, but our sources were completely different.

My info claimed that there was some kind of mysterious “sharing” button on the controller. I asked Laura and she had the same mysterious button on the controller. Some sources called it a “Sharing” button. Other sources called it a “Social” button.

This is how my source described the “Share / Social” button back in late July.


Side Note: There have been conflicting reports on where the right analogue stick is positioned.

Laura’s sources believe the right analogue stick will be below the face buttons.

My source #1 says the right analogue stick is above the face buttons. My source #2 says the right analogue stick is below the face buttons.



Two sources confirmed to me that the D-Pad was split (individual buttons) in the prototype.

Multiple sources confirmed to Laura that the D-Pad was split (individual buttons) in the prototype.
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So it's now less powerful than the Xbox One and PS4? That's pathetic, that would mean it's a slightly upgraded Wii U.

And the placement of the right analogue is terrible.
So it's now less powerful than the Xbox One and PS4? That's pathetic, that would mean it's a slightly upgraded Wii U.

And the placement of the right analogue is terrible. IS a handheld (that can connect to your TV.) Power wise it sounds like it's about on par with my new Moto Z Force phone (which I have to admit, games look really good on!).

I don't buy that right analogue position for a second! I'm willing to bet they will be parallel
Nintendo needs to license its franchises to other systems and just focus on the handheld market. If they had licensed their franchises after the Game Cube, they would be so much wealthier right now. The Wii didn't sell because of Zelda or Metroid. The DS doesn't sell because of Zelda or Metroid. I would kill to play a Metroid game on XBox One. Dumb ****ers.
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Reactions: 1 person IS a handheld (that can connect to your TV.) Power wise it sounds like it's about on par with my new Moto Z Force phone (which I have to admit, games look really good on!).

I don't buy that right analogue position for a second! I'm willing to bet they will be parallel

Yeah it's a handheld but it's also being touted at the Wii U's successor. If this is their way of saying we're no longer doing specifically traditional home consoles, then ok I guess, but just come out and say it. Stop acting like you're really competing with Microsoft and Sony anymore, when you aren't.
Yeah it's a handheld but it's also being touted at the Wii U's successor. If this is their way of saying we're no longer doing specifically traditional home consoles, then ok I guess, but just come out and say it. Stop acting like you're really competing with Microsoft and Sony anymore, when you aren't.

Well to be fair, Nintendo isn't touting anything. They have kept their mouths firmly shut on exactly where this fits in this gaming market. The whole Wii U successor thing is just assumption by the gaming community. I do agree that Nintendo needs to hurry the hell up and unveil this thing, especially if they are still planning on launching in March '17.
Well to be fair, Nintendo isn't touting anything. They have kept their mouths firmly shut on exactly where this fits in this gaming market. The whole Wii U successor thing is just assumption by the gaming community. I do agree that Nintendo needs to hurry the hell up and unveil this thing, especially if they are still planning on launching in March '17.

True but I think most can read the signs, because the Wii U's production has already been confirmed to stop by the end of 2017 in Japan, and there is hardly anything coming out for the Wii U. 3rd party support was already terrible but Nintendo only has the new Paper Mario game and Zelda, and Zelda is an NX game too. So that's pretty clear the system is replacing the Wii U.

Plus Nintendo has always been kind of coy about this stuff. When they originally announced the DS, they claimed it wasn't replacing the Game Boy Advance, that it was a 3rd system to go along with the GBA and GameCube, and that was quickly shown to be complete bunk.
Well...this is interesting!

Another day and another Nintendo NX rumor has surfaced. The latest leak claims that Nintendo NX will offer a subscription based model to its users.

It is an optional model that will allow gamers to play all Nintendo games for $10 a month. Subscribers will be offered NX hardware for free. Meanwhile, those who prefer paying full price upfront for the console and buy cartridges are free to do that.

The subscription model is not very economical and rates may rise over time. $10 a month adds up to $120 a year and $240 for two years. However, offering free hardware (leasing) to subscribers will surely encourage gamers to sign up for Nintendo’s subscription based service.

The system is similar to smartphone leasing.

It is hard to imagine third parties being on-board with the idea for $10 per month model for all games but since it is Nintendo’s own system, expect all Nintendo games to be part it at least.

The subscription service will probably have small indie developers as third party in the beginning. If the system turns out to be a success, major publishers and developers may come on-board.


Also, rumour has it there might be some sort of reveal this week

Kevin Pereira
14h14 hours ago
Kevin Pereira ‏@Attack
Anaheim. Nintendo. GameStop. Let's get cozy.

For those that don't know, the Gamestop Expo starts this Wednesday.

If you look at his SnapChat (AttackSnap), in one of his story snaps he quickly turns the phone camera away from a television screen, saying "you weren't suppose to see that". He also mentions in another snap that he is rehearsing for something Nintendo-related at the expo
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Holy cow....this just gets dumber and dumber with each leak.

Nintendo NX...for people that can't figure out emulators.
Very interesting theory behind the name "NX" and possible final name...

The NX will be Nintendo's 10th system (not counting the crappy Virtual Boy that Nintendo doesn't even acknowledge and the Game Boy offshoots like GBA and GBC). Since X is the Roman numeral for 10 and N would be short for Nintendo, the codename NX could actually be referencing the "Nintendo 10." The final name could very well be called the "Nintendo" but might actually be spelled on the packaging "NIN-10-DO."

Actually my guess is that it will be called the Nintendo Go. But a company brave enough to call a system the Wii and the Wii U, I wouldn't put anything past them.

They got away with the Wii name, but I never understood why they went with Wii U. It's not the main or only reason the Wii U did poorly, but it sure didn't help.
The reasoning on how they get to 10 Nintendo systems is inconsistent; the Game Boy Advance isn't simply a "Game Boy offshoot", it's a completely different system. But if you are going to make that leap, then then the 3DS is an "offshoot" of the DS and the Wii U is an "offshoot" of the Wii.

So either way, it doesn't work. I can buy not counting Game Boy Color, though even that's not really true because there were GBC games you couldn't play on the original GB. But not counting the GBA is quite stupid.

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