(GAVol @ Mar 28 said:Winning the NIT is sort of like busting out of the World Series of Poker and then winning $10 at a slot machine on your way out of the casino.
(GAVol @ Mar 30 said:What the heck do you do with back to back NIT titles? Do you celebrate it?
(GAVol @ Mar 30 said:I care man . . . I care. The office just runs better when SC wins at ANYTHING. ost-20645-1119625378:
I'm just glad the record didn't start skipping in the second half of the game. That could have been devastating.(GAVol @ Mar 30 said:I think I liked Balkman better back when he was in Milli Vanilli.
(GAVol @ Mar 30 said:Thanks for the response. I felt sort of lame going to a Milli Vanilli reference until you went Weird Al Yankovich on some lyrics.