No Country for Old Men/There Will Be Blood



Speaker of truth.
Nov 30, 2007
Out of curiosity what did yall think of No Country for Old Men. I saw it three times in theaters and absolutely loved it. However I know a good number of people that absolutely hated it and I also read the message boards on IMDB and everyone on there either loved or hated it. As some of you probably know it won the Academy Award for best picture so I thought I'd see what you guys thought?

Basically same goes for There Will Be Blood. I loved it and half of my friends hated it.

Also which did you like better?
I loved it, but the ending took about 3 weeks to comprehend...

There Will Be Blood was amazing, also.
Out of curiosity what did yall think of No Country for Old Men. I saw it three times in theaters and absolutely loved it. However I know a good number of people that absolutely hated it and I also read the message boards on IMDB and everyone on there either loved or hated it. As some of you probably know it won the Academy Award for best picture so I thought I'd see what you guys thought?

Basically same goes for There Will Be Blood. I loved it and half of my friends hated it.

Also which did you like better?

I loved No Country for Old Men. The scenes with Chigurh were some of the best acting Ive seen.

There will be blood was a great movie too. Daniel Day Lewis is one of the best actors out there.

I liked No country for old men better because of the characters and the cat and mouse game between leliwyen and chigurh.
I loved No Country for Old Men. The scenes with Chigurh were some of the best acting Ive seen.

There will be blood was a great movie too. Daniel Day Lewis is one of the best actors out there.

I liked No country for old men better because of the characters and the cat and mouse game between leliwyen and chigurh.

I'm glad to see that there are some educated film viewers. I think that both films are brilliantly written, acted, and directed. Of the two I would have to say that Daniel Day Lewis's performance was the best out of all of them, but the others were great as well. I honestly think his performance was the best I have ever seen in any movie.

I think I liked NCFOM better too because of the story and characters...but then again that's just the Coen brother's playing on stereotypes. Having the "badass" characters named Llewelyn and Chigurh (Sugar) I thought was hilarious.

And kind of related to the "cat and mouse game", the scene at the second hotel where there is the shootout look at the floor when Llewelyn re-enters the lobby there is the cat there by the desk with its milk spilled...a reference to "don't cry over spilled milk". I love how they slip little stuff like that into their movies.
As far as I am concerned, Bardem's performance was one of the greatest all time, supporting actor or not. Daniel Day-Lewis deserved his Oscar, and he killed in Blood, but Bardem's performance may never be topped.
I have not seen either and have been wanting to. I am so far behind on movies, although I did see Semi-pro today :lol:
Semi-pro was so so so so so terrible...and I love Will Farrell. He is so naturally funny but when they have him that scripted he loses his touch. If they would let him just improv his lines or something he'd be great.

You really should catch up on some quality movies...
Semi-pro was so so so so so terrible...and I love Will Farrell. He is so naturally funny but when they have him that scripted he loses his touch. If they would let him just improv his lines or something he'd be great.

You really should catch up on some quality movies...

You remember that 30 rebound game I had?


Yea, well I don't remember it.

But seriously, I thought it was extremely disappointing. It had a few good lines, but that was it. Sooner or later I will rent those other too though
Who was it that played the preacher kid in Blood? I thought that his performance made the movie, for me. I laughed at the overacting but that's what a preacher of that sort did back then. They had to sell it.

My girlfriend is in love with Chigurh's voice...
He was the brother from Little Miss Sunsine. The only problem with his part in There Will Be Blood was at the end, when it was supposed to be several years later, he was supposed to be in his mid-thirties, but still looked 14.
I think you should probably read No Country For Old Men if you liked the movie. There's some stuff at then end of the book that was left out of the movie. It gives a little more insight into the makeup of Moss and Ed Tom.
I think you should probably read No Country For Old Men if you liked the movie. There's some stuff at then end of the book that was left out of the movie. It gives a little more insight into the makeup of Moss and Ed Tom.

I wish I had time to read it, my girlfriend did. I've just got a bunch of books on my list to read and no time to do it.
I think you should probably read No Country For Old Men if you liked the movie. There's some stuff at then end of the book that was left out of the movie. It gives a little more insight into the makeup of Moss and Ed Tom.

I might. I just bought The Road by McCarthy and Into the Wild so after I read those I might sometime this summer.

How much was left out though without giving anything away? From everything I read about the movie it was pretty much verbatim from the book as far as the ending goes especially...
A couple of the action sequences are a tad different, but nothing that changes the plot. At the end, the conversation Ed Tom has with that old guy is supposed to be several conversations with several different people. You just learn a little more about the characters. But no, there's not anything that affects the plot.
No Country for Old Men was an outstanding movie. Haven't been able to catch There Will Be Blood yet, but hearing it compared to No Country gives me high hopes.
This was by far the most over-hyped movie I have ever seen. Why in the hell did it win so many awards?? It was worth watching, but it's not worthy of all the accolades it received. Glad I watched it, but it wasn't even near what I thought it would be. I give it a 6.5 out of 10, based solely on the actors in it and the action. The ending just plain sucked as well. I am speaking of No Country for Old Men.
WHOA! Watch it again and pay attention at the end. It took me quite a while to actually realize that the ending is brilliant. I just got done watching it, again. Bardem's acting is amazing... can't say the same for the rest of the people. The directing is spectacular. 10000X better than Fargo, the Coen Brother's hit movie...
This was by far the most over-hyped movie I have ever seen. Why in the hell did it win so many awards?? It was worth watching, but it's not worthy of all the accolades it received. Glad I watched it, but it wasn't even near what I thought it would be. I give it a 6.5 out of 10, based solely on the actors in it and the action. The ending just plain sucked as well. I am speaking of No Country for Old Men.

Maybe it winning so many awards and you thinking it's terrible is a good indication that you should re-examine your criteria for a good movie. If you watch movies for pure face value action and mind numbing entertainment you may be disappointed with NCFOM, but if you actually know anything at all about film techniques and/or the history of films you would be able to recognize the creative brilliance in NCFOM. The fact that you read this thread and then created a new one in which you talk about how much you loved Hitman and gave it an 8 out of 10 proves my point exactly. I would maybe have that opinion if I were in the 5th grade.

You say that most people don't know that Hitman was a game first but I find that hard to believe. On a similar and more related side note you obviously aren't aware that NCFOM was directly adapted from the book by Cormac McCarthy. The ending is basically verbatim from the book. Just because you obviously didn't understand it doesn't mean that it sucks. It took me a while to fully grasp it all but eventually if you analyze the underlying themes throughout the film you will realize that it is perhaps the most fitting ending, though maybe not the most popular.
I'm glad to see that there are some educated film viewers.

Maybe it winning so many awards and you thinking it's terrible is a good indication that you should re-examine your criteria for a good movie. If you watch movies for pure face value action and mind numbing entertainment you may be disappointed with NCFOM, but if you actually know anything at all about film techniques and/or the history of films you would be able to recognize the creative brilliance in NCFOM. The fact that you read this thread and then created a new one in which you talk about how much you loved Hitman and gave it an 8 out of 10 proves my point exactly. I would maybe have that opinion if I were in the 5th grade.

you know, just because someone doesn't share the same movie tastes doesn't make them ignorant. The arrogance you are showing about your "movie watching skills" is ridiculous.
Watch No Country For Old Men last night. Damn good movie. Have no idea how tightly or loosely the Coens followed the novel but they did a damn good job making the movie. Great characters.
you know, just because someone doesn't share the same movie tastes doesn't make them ignorant. The arrogance you are showing about your "movie watching skills" is ridiculous.

I don't expect everyone to share the same tastes or opinions of movies as I do. At all. However I do get annoyed by people who can't appreciate a brilliant piece of art and insult it because they don't understand it. You can simply say that you don't like a movie because it's not your style and that's fine, I can respect that. However I have taken several film classes and have learned all the approaches and aspects of cinema and cinematography and screenwriting and so I feel like I have a good appreciation and understanding of film. I try not to be arrogant in my opinions but because I feel like I do know more of the technicalities of what I'm talking about I may come across that way. That being said I don't make it an effort to criticize others who don't share the same views as me. I'm just pointing out from a cinematic perspective it is very ignorant to call a film like No Country for Old Men "stupid", especially when you rave about how much you like something like Hitman. Like I said, you don't have to like it, but at least don't insult it.

You may or may not know this but the mass majority of movies that Hollywood produces each year fall into a category that they consider to just be quick money making films. They often make them flashy and violent for example so that they will attract a certain audience of viewers that will attend any and all movies made like it. Hitman happens to fall in that genre...ergo I feel justified in my opinion. I have no problem with anyone enjoying Hitman or movies like it, they were made to entertain, but I just hate it when they are put in the same category as works of art such as No Country for Old Men. People seem to want to ignore that the movie won all those awards for a reason...
cause awards equal a film's worth? Please. H'wood loves to pat itself on the back for art/edgy/groundbreaking.

Appreciation of art is subjective. Seems they would have taught you that in your many classes.
cause awards equal a film's worth? Please. H'wood loves to pat itself on the back for art/edgy/groundbreaking.

Appreciation of art is subjective. Seems they would have taught you that in your many classes.

Awards don't necessarily equal a film's worth but it is often a good indication. I guess I am just a fan of art/edgy/groundbreaking. I personally can appreciate people who are willing to think outside of the certain mode of overdone remakes and video game movies. I don't see how you can fault someone for liking original movies...but to each his own.

Appreciation of art is definitely subjective. But that doesn't mean that you can't have a more educated (not just classes but just maturity in general even) and rational take on art. Even with art being subjective, NCFOM still uses the techniques of film far more effectively and intelligently than something like Hitman does. You don't have to like NCFOM better, I would just like to think you would respect it more. Or at least clarify your reasoning moreso than "the ending sucked".
Sorry, but The Departed whoops No Country's arse. There are a lot of movies that are better than No Country, IMO. I thought that the first half of the movie was better than the last half. You can only carry the plot they had so far before it loses a lot of people. It didn't lose me, but it also didn't keep me interested. What's so amazing about a professional Hitman that is trying to recover some drugs and money and killing everyone that is trying to get in his way?? That's basically the center of the plot and after two hours of understanding that and other parts of it, I can honestly say that I wasn't impressed after being told it was a "Instant Classic". I thought Rendition, Gone Baby Gone, and Awake were better movies that I have watched recently.

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