No More Rebel Flags For My High School Football



Senior Member
Sep 12, 2004
The Rebel flag has been banned from being in the stands during football games by the school board....:yuck: :gun: :disappointed: :moon2: What do you guys think about this, i think its pretty stupid, seeing as how it is a tradition that we have carried for a long time. I do not like this school board at all.


lmk your thoughts
If it's your flag, it's your flag... I don't have anything against the stars and bars itself, I just have not met anybody waving it around that wasn't a complete moron.
In Oregon, that's probably very true. Probably not too many people out there waving the Stars and Bars for the sake of heritage.

I'm right there with you though. No problem with the flag, it's just that some of the people waving it are complete goobers.
Yeah... There is some real white trash out here, as well. Some places, you'd swear you were at that last episode of Cops that just took place on the outskirts of Atlanta.
man im glad, im tired of seein them every time we play yall..everytime theres a touchdown yall go yall score
I&#39;ll ignore the "outskirts of Atlanta" comment. <_< :lol:
Originally posted by GAVol@Jun 14, 2005 9:12 PM
I&#39;ll ignore the "outskirts of Atlanta" comment.  <_< :lol:

Hey, alls I&#39;m saying is I&#39;ve seen many a Cops episode take place in Georgia. You could film an episode in any of the small towns on the drive from Portland to the coast.
I didn&#39;t like it when they did it at Ole Mess, and I don&#39;t like it now. I grew up in the South with a feeling that the Stars and Bars were a part of Southern heritage, not racial discrimination. And I&#39;m from West Tennessee. But that&#39;s just me.
We just went through all of this with the state flag here in Georgia. It&#39;s kind of tough to argue for a symbol that is viewed as offensive by a huge chunk of the state&#39;s population.
When does one person&#39;s "heritage" have to bow to another&#39;s sensitivities?? I don&#39;t really care one way or another, as I can see both sides of the issue, but I think as a nation we have politically corrected ourselves to the point of insanity.
I know what you&#39;re saying, but the deal we had here in GA was completely racially motivated. Our flag was changed in 1956 to include the Stars and Bars as a protest of the Brown vs. Board of Education court case which desegregated the schools.

The "heritage" groups do have a point, but it&#39;s really hard to defend something that a group of idiots has turned into such a negative for so many people.
If it was introduced for that reason... Then I&#39;d say doing away with it in Georgia could be okay. If it was already there because of heritage, okay, but introduced for the purpose of protesting segregation, I&#39;m not really down for that.
I don&#39;t really know enough about the issue to say anything about it, Georgie. I&#39;m sure whatever stand you take is the right one, though.

And I say that seriously.
The only rebel flags that I see here in Virginia are on the back of old beat up pick-up trucks. (not that there&#39;s anything wrong with that)
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jun 15, 2005 1:04 AM
I don&#39;t really know enough about the issue to say anything about it, Georgie. I&#39;m sure whatever stand you take is the right one, though.

And I say that seriously.

:blink: Better print and frame that one..
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jun 15, 2005 1:04 AM
I don&#39;t really know enough about the issue to say anything about it, Georgie. I&#39;m sure whatever stand you take is the right one, though.

And I say that seriously.

I&#39;m trying to figure out which wall I want to hang this on after I frame it.
I do like what GA did by changing from the "Flag of Atlanta" (blue flag) to the flag which is the original "stars and bars".
I know I&#39;m chiming in a little late on this one. . . .sorry &#39;bout that.

IMO, when one group&#39;s "heritage" invokes rememberance of inhumanity, segregation, racism, or hatred, it should have the decency to put others&#39; feelings ahead of its wants. I firmly believe that the negative emotions and connotations linked to the "rebel flag" are MUCH STRONGER and MORE IMPORTANT than its symbolism for "Southerners."

I&#39;m a Southern boy -- true as they come, but I believe that our progressive generation is, as it should be, coming to the above realizations. I know I have.

My :twocents:

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