Nolte: Biden Admin Flies Illegal Alien Minors out of Texas for Abortions


Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014

Per the far-left Reuters, the pure evil that is the Biden Administration has “been flying or driving minors from Texas shelters to other states for abortions.”

Now that the moral and legal atrocity known as Roe v. Wade has finally been overturned, the corporate media have and will continue to look for stories that show how awful the not-killing-of-innocent-babies is. So Reuters came up with this beauty about the terrible plight of illegal aliens who will now have trouble accessing a clinic that will kill their innocent baby.

Not only is Joe Biden allowing illegal aliens to swarm into Texas…. He’s transporting minor illegal aliens — children — to states outside of Texas to kill their babies and has been for some time—nine months, actually, if you can appreciate a ghoulish kind of irony…
Minors. Who are pregnant. Did they conceive in a detention center? Did they cross the border with child?
What are the circumstances in play?

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