Nolte: Without Proof, Feds Accuse Zero Hedge of Russian Collaboration


Franklin Pierce

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
McCarthyism has gone back to the future, with the federal intelligence community accusing the website Zero Hedge of — wait for it, wait for it — collaborating with the Russians.

Naturally, the misinformation media, this time in the form of the far-left Associated Press, is playing stenographer. Get a load of this:
McCarthyism has gone back to the future, with the federal intelligence community accusing the website Zero Hedge of — wait for it, wait for it — collaborating with the Russians.

Naturally, the misinformation media, this time in the form of the far-left Associated Press, is playing stenographer. Get a load of this:
Founder of Zero Hedge is a Bulgarian whose father was a former Soviet official. Just saying.
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I believe one communist congressman said at one time (during Bush investigation) that we must investigate any accusation to gather proof so we can investigate.
McCarthyism has gone back to the future, with the federal intelligence community accusing the website Zero Hedge of — wait for it, wait for it — collaborating with the Russians.

Naturally, the misinformation media, this time in the form of the far-left Associated Press, is playing stenographer. Get a load of this:
In fairness Rasputin is the only one who regularly links BS articles from Zero hedge on here. Hmmmmmm
McCarthyism has gone back to the future, with the federal intelligence community accusing the website Zero Hedge of — wait for it, wait for it — collaborating with the Russians.

Naturally, the misinformation media, this time in the form of the far-left Associated Press, is playing stenographer. Get a load of this:
The far left Associated

That reminds me of the nut from Memphis saying the National Review was now left of center.

The rightwing propaganda machine is desperately trying to convince its minions that center is left.
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Oh well in that case put them in front of a firing squad! 🤡
The person who should be put in front of a firing squad is the person who said "the far-left Associated Press".

I hope most of you guys are at least smart enough to immediately discount anything that is said by someone who views the AP as far-left.
The person who should be put in front of a firing squad is the person who said "the far-left Associated Press".

I hope most of you guys are at least smart enough to immediately discount anything that is said by someone who views the AP as far-left.
Nah the likely person that said that probably views them that way. It’s on the reader to digest the information. You know… free speech and what not?
I guess we now know what the next distraction campaign is.

It wouldn't surprise me 1 bit if this whole Ukraine situation was ginned up between western powers and Putin to distract from the failure of their leadership. They'll give Putin what he wants and get to tout their "great leadership" in averting a war.
The person who should be put in front of a firing squad is the person who said "the far-left Associated Press".

I hope most of you guys are at least smart enough to immediately discount anything that is said by someone who views the AP as far-left.
How about someone who thinks Jimmy Carter as an "awesome" president? Does that guy have much credibility?
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How about someone who thinks Jimmy Carter as an "awesome" president? Does that guy have much credibility?
Certainly more than the nut who says the AP is far-left.
I think placing Carter well above Trump is a key indicator of credibility.
Nah the likely person that said that probably views them that way. It’s on the reader to digest the information. You know… free speech and what not?
I never said the idiot shouldn't be allowed to speak and what not, I said I hope most of you guys and what not are smart enough to immediately discount anything that person may have to say and what not.
A firing squad usually removes ones ability to speak
Yea, that was hyperbole.
But I THINK you knew that.
Just in case not, let me offer this disclaimer: "I do not actually believe that rightwing propagandists should face a firing squad."

But public ridicule and scorn would certainly be justified.
Who said anything about Trump?

Can you not have a single thought without involving Trump?
You are the one who brought up the job of past presidents.
I can guarantee you one thing.
There will never again be a time when the performance of past presidents is being discussed when Trump is not included as the bottom metric.
I never said the idiot shouldn't be allowed to speak and what not, I said I hope most of you guys and what not are smart enough to immediately discount anything that person may have to say and what not.
I guess he can be allowed to speak as they’re dragging him out in front of the firing squad as you offered? How… tolerant of you.
You are the one who brought up the job of past presidents.
I can guarantee you one thing.
There will never again be a time when the performance of past presidents is being discussed when Trump is not included as the bottom metric.
Same as Carter then
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