North Pole ice cap twice as thick as expected.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
In Canada, "Polar 5", a research aircraft, has ended its recent Arctic expedition today. During the flight, scientists were measuring the ice thickness in regions that have never been seen from airplanes. The result: the sea ice is apparently thicker than scientists suspected.

Under normal conditions, the ice is formed within two years and ends up being slightly above 2 meters of thickness. "Here, the thickness was as high as four meters," said the spokesperson for the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven. According to the scientists, this conclusion seems to contradict the warming of the ocean water.

It doesn't make a good counterpoint to the global warming theory,when chucks of arctic ice are still breaking of as big as Rhode Island!
It doesn't make a good counterpoint to the global warming theory,when chucks of arctic ice are still breaking of as big as Rhode Island!

That's only part of the story. There are other parts of the poles that are actually growing in ice mass, that more than makes up for that. I am not saying I don't believe in global climate change, I am saying I wouldn't dismiss this growing trend of research from the last 3 years that show things at the poles may not be as bad as they were once thought to be.
This statement from the same Institute says the ice area is declining more than expected. Sounds like they need to get together and discuss what they're releasing in their press releases.

The extent of Arctic sea ice has declined stronger than predicted by climate models. However, little is known about changes of its thickness. Sea ice is in constant movement and it can become thicker by deformation than by freezing. Therefore, not only the areal extent of the ice is an important variable in the Arctic climate system, but also its thickness.

Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) Detail
Saw a story on NBC evening news yesterday that showed big chunks of ice breaking off and what's gonna happen when all the ice melts and floods NewYork City. In the words of Vinnie Barbarino "I'm so confused"..
#8 wrote "private funds" in your own post. Am I missing something in regards to the funding?
Yeah. Didn't even completely read what I had copy and pasted. Heard today that they were doing it and thought it was through tax payer money.
It doesn't make a good counterpoint to the global warming theory,when chucks of arctic ice are still breaking of as big as Rhode Island!

CO2 fanatics leave out all sorts of important data, such as arctic undersea volcanoes.

25 Jun 08 - The Arctic seabed is as explosive geologically as it is politically judging by the "fountains" of gas and molten lava that have been blasting out of massive underwater volcanoes beneath the Arctic ice cap, scientists reported in the June 26 issue of the journal Nature.

Just be glad a 'cap and trade' won't be passed this spring and hope it never will, unless you would like your energy costs to double while fats cats on wall street rake off the extra money and power mad politicians in Washington bloviate smoke up your buttocks.

A possible ice age is a far greater threat than global warming could ever be, weather patterns have been changing though out the history of the Earth and will continue to do so no matter what liars like Al and Hitlery say, all they want to more control of energy resources.
This statement from the same Institute says the ice area is declining more than expected. Sounds like they need to get together and discuss what they're releasing in their press releases.

Another source. (Fraser Institute.)

New report details over-looked scientific evidence against simplistic climate alarmism

A 110-page report by an international team of climate experts published today by the independent Fraser Institute examines critically-important scientific evidence that has been overlooked or omitted in government reports that blame climate change on carbon dioxide emissions.

The new peer-reviewed report’s seven chapters investigate published scientific literature on issues such as the effects of ocean oscillations and solar variations on climate, historical climate variability, statistical challenges in climate analysis, uncertainties in climate modeling, and quality problems in temperature measurement systems. The report leaves no doubt that the science is far from “settled” on climate change.


Antarctic ice pack 1.5 MILLION sq. km. above last year's record pace.


26 Mar 08
It has been proven already that the planet has been cooling for a number of years now. It is the very southern most part of the planet that is leading the charge. Over the last three months the very southern most part of the planet (as observed by satellite) has been no warmer than -0.780 degrees c BELOW normal.


In an amazing story released by NASA the year 2008 has recorded the most spotless days since 1954.

Unless solar activity changes this year could have the 2nd most spotless days in 100 years.

Also of additional concern is that researchers are finding that the sun is now the dimmest it has been since they started keeping records.

26 Feb 08 - Excerpt: All four major global temperature tracking outlets (Hadley, NASA's GISS, UAH, RSS) have released updated data. All show that over the past year, global temperatures have dropped precipitously.


World Temperatures according to the Hadley Center for Climate Prediction
Note the steep drop over the last year.

Meteorologist Anthony Watts compiled the results of all the sources. The total amount of cooling ranges from 0.65C up to 0.75C -- a value large enough to erase nearly all the global warming recorded over the past 100 years.

All in one year's time.

For all tracking outlets, it's the single fastest temperature change every recorded, either up or down.

I could go on but surely you get the gist.
Then I suppose there are no climate change fanatic alarmists willing to try to debate this topic??


Terminus of Tsaa Glacier in Icy Bay in July 2005.
Photo by Chris Larsen, Geophysical Institute, UAF


Terminus of Tsaa Glacier in June 2007. Note the
position of the large waterfall. The glacier advanced
about one-third of a mile sometime between August
2006 and June 2007.
Photo by Chris Larsen, Geophysical Institute, UAF


Remember how this innocent photograph was used to report global warming and the plight of endangered polar bears???

Anyone who cares to can challenge me on this, I will produce the true facts concerning the photograph and the circumstances surrounding it, nothing unusual really.
The Obama administration, in a major environmental policy shift, is leaning toward asking 195 nations that ratified the U.N. ozone treaty to enact mandatory reductions in hydrofluorocarbons.

A Farmer's View On Carbon Credits

At least the farmer wasn't blinded by that government money carrot that was being dangled out there. Smart guy, those are in short supply these days.

As far as global warming goes, i believe the earth heats and cools in cyles. I think were in a warming cycle right now. Why do i believe that? Its documented science. We definitely polute the air we breath and it can't be good. Man's impact on global warming though i believe is overblown and another conveinent way for the government to take our money.
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