Let me suggest what 'football's' argument will be.
There is no study that conclusively/scientifically links playing football in youth sports with any mental, emotional or physiological damage to the participating individuals or, as the study cites,
"In this sample of deceased tackle football players, younger age of exposure to tackle football was not associated with CTE pathological severity, but predicted earlier neurobehavioral symptom onset. Youth exposure to tackle football may reduce resiliency to late life neuropathology. These findings may not generalize to the broader tackle football population and informant‐report may have affected the accuracy of the estimated effects. "
I would agree. Abstract below.
I would also agree with corresponding author Ann McKee, MD, chief of Neuropathology at Boston VA Healthcare System, and Director of BUs CTE Center.
It makes common sense that children, whose brains are rapidly developing, should not be hitting their heads hundreds of times per season.
My kids were not allowed to play for that very, logical reason.