Not too long ago,Forbes ranked UT top ten Champion Factory

We usually are well-represented there.

I'm not really angry about the class yesterday, just a bit disappointed that we didn't get Bell. I think things will turn around--if, and it's a BIG if--CBJ proves he can coach up who we did get. I'm thankful for the kids that did decide to be VFLs, and wish Bell the best. I'm just glad we don't have to play against him directly each year.
We can no longer depend on history,tradition, past performance, these players have no idea what Tennessee was like in years gone by. All they know we have outstanding facilities but we are bottom feeders. We must tell it like it is. We need wins on the field to get our respect back. Can no longer live in the past.
We can no longer depend on history,tradition, past performance, these players have no idea what Tennessee was like in years gone by. All they know we have outstanding facilities but we are bottom feeders. We must tell it like it is. We need wins on the field to get our respect back. Can no longer live in the past.

Bottom feeders? Lmfao..... We have two losing seasons and now we are bottom feeders. What a tard statement.
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We can no longer depend on history,tradition, past performance, these players have no idea what Tennessee was like in years gone by. All they know we have outstanding facilities but we are bottom feeders. We must tell it like it is. We need wins on the field to get our respect back. Can no longer live in the past.

Agree. It was 14 years ago when we won the first BCS title. That means these kids were around 4 and 5 years old.

With our recent track record, we can't expect them to really jump on our team until we start proving that we can win. That's why I'm thankful for our new signees who took the risk to be building foundations, versus jumping on and being the spire at the top of the tower.
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I have been watching Tennessee football for 55 years. I think I know what I am talking about. Yes, bottom feeders. Nothing more , nothing less. I pray this is reversed. When you get beat by Vandy and Kentucky us old timers refer to that as bottom feeders !!!!
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Yeah, we're bottom feeders and we lost even more ground yesterday. The list in the OP is a stark reminder of far we've fallen so quickly. It might be another decade or two before we even compete for a championship again.
Written in 2008. 5 years is a long time when most recruiting classes are gone in 4.
We can no longer depend on history,tradition, past performance, these players have no idea what Tennessee was like in years gone by. All they know we have outstanding facilities but we are bottom feeders. We must tell it like it is. We need wins on the field to get our respect back. Can no longer live in the past.

Sadly, cant say we are even feeding on it - we are the bottom. But a few winning seasons and the Kiffin/Dooley years will seem like a distant nightmare - Im just hoping CBJ is the man to wake us out of it.
If Bama hired Dooley today as HC, they would be at the bottom by year three.
I am thinking it is only a year or two till we get back in Forbes!

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