Noticeable absence of NBA playoff discussion



Patience... It's what's for dinner
Jul 7, 2005
i'm guessing not, since there isn't a thread dedicated to the NBA playoffs....and not that i care, cause i haven't watched one game yet, though i'll admit, i'm more inclined this year to watch sportscenter to see the highlights than i have been the past 10 years or so....

I just thought it was interesting that there is a major professional sports league in the midst of it's post season tourney, with arguably the best collection of talent the league has had in 10 years, and no one cares enough to even post the scores on the board....

and i'm not an NBA fan, but hell, even Hockey gets more talk on this boad than the NBA.....
I'm getting old and go to bed early. Frankly, most of the games end past my bedtime so why start watching.

Same thing with baseball playoffs for me. They start the games too dang late at night. How can kids, the bread and butter for the future of all sports, come to appreciate a game that is played past their bedtime???
that's true, but if you're a fan, you'd stay up....i know i wouldn't miss an NFL game or CFB game just becaue it was on too late....i'd be up watching.

another thing is the total number of games.....the NBA season is too long, and the playoff series being bumped up to 7 game series in the 1st's just too many games. play off teams that make it to the finals have the potential to play 103 games, if my math is right?

same for baseball....a single game doesn't mean all that much in the course of 100+ game REGULAR season....
Sometimes I'll watch the 4th quarter if I have nothing better to do.
Too many playoff games gets me burned out. I won't watch until around the semi-finals, I really don't have a favorite team either so that doesn't help.
I'll watch the NBA, but I don't go out of my way to do it. The early rounds of the NBA playoffs are tough to get into unless your team is involved in a big series . . . which I haven't had to worry about for, say, the past 10 years.
well that would explain that.....

But even for cities with NBA teams, like Atlanta, what is there to get excited about? Memphis same thing, though from what i can tell, they get pretty good support there....New Orleans, Charlotte? Not much in those two cities....DC? they're decent, and the fans seem to support it....but you don't get the regional support in the NBA like other sports do....

For years the carolinas were predominantly Cowboys or Skins fans in the NFL....and are still mostly Braves fans for bball.

I don't see that in the NBA...
I've been watching some (more like having it on in the background).

The main reason is that I have HD and TNT has games almost every night in HD -- after awhile, I get tired of HD nature shows (if you have HD you know what I'm talking about).

I was impressed with the LA Clippers (a phrase rarely uttered by anyone anywhere). Playing very good team ball (I guess since half of them are from Duke).

LeBron James is pretty damn amazing. Kobe is annoying. etc. etc.

The Lakers/Clippers match-up should be interesting. LA will have a full-on freakout if the Clippers beat the Lakers in the playoffs.
A few more comments:

I like the TNT coverage -- Barkely cracks me up -- even when he's trying to be serious he can't even take himself seriously.

The Cleveland/Washington series was interesting. Lebron James vs. Gilbert Arenas -- two absolute freaks! Washington has the worse defense of any NBA ever in the history of mankind.
(volinbham @ May 5 said:
The Lakers/Clippers match-up should be interesting. LA will have a full-on freakout if the Clippers beat the Lakers in the playoffs.

If the Clippers even play the Lakers, that is...
(tidwell @ May 5 said:
If the Clippers even play the Lakers, that is...

Oops, I guess I should have checked the Suns/Lakers score first.

Who'd have thought of a potential Clippers/Lakers match-up, the Lakers would be the ones in doubt of making it!
Best of 7 in the first round is ridiculous... I wish it was best out of 3/best of 5/then best of 7 for the Conference/Overall Finals.
I thought round 1 used to be best of 5 -- when did it change to 7?

Should be 5 at the most.
It's been 7 games in the first round for several years.
I am going to say it switched in 2003?

Remember when the Nuggets beat the Sonics when it was best of 5?
they don't do much of anything in the NBA....the changed the rules to favor offense, they don't call travelling at all....i'm not going to say it's a joke, but it's not "great" basket ball if you're allowed to get away with things....
Did you see Lebron James' game winner in Game 2 or 3? I swear his feet were back on the ground before he let the ball go but no one said boo about it. The announcers just went on and on about what a great shot it was. Nobody on the other team seemed concerned about it either.
(volinbham @ May 5 said:
Did you see Lebron James' game winner in Game 2 or 3? I swear his feet were back on the ground before he let the ball go but no one said boo about it. The announcers just went on and on about what a great shot it was. Nobody on the other team seemed concerned about it either.
they discussed that on PTI on ESPN the day after....and after i saw the replay, i didn't see it live, i couldn't believe it either...great no call ref!

but it's been that way for so long...remember MJ's shot against the Jazz in the finals a few years ago? he clearly pushes off, and drains the shot. both turn out to be great plays that win the game for their respective teams, and the opposing teams have to be going out of their minds at that.

but, to their credit, the one thing they came back to after agreeing it was a bad no call, is that they've been making those bad no calls for a long, long time now, and to start calling them now, would not be weird as that sounds, it does make sense....
(OrangeEmpire @ May 5 said:
I am going to say it switched in 2003?

Remember when the Nuggets beat the Sonics when it was best of 5?

Sounds about right. It's only been best of seven in the first round for as couplefew years.

Only thing I remember about that series is Mutombo on his back crying with his clenched hands over his eyes.

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