Now that is Tennessee Basketball



Crush Em Kiffin
Sep 9, 2008
Tennessee romped UTC, look for this years team to make a final four run and probably face North Carolina For The NC and look for them to take the title. I know, Bold Prediction, but dont forget UTC was picked to win their conference and they are pretty good but this years team, looks a little bit better than last years team, they had charisma tonight, they got out to a lead and did not look back, get ready for a possible for sure NC season this year. GO BIG ORANGE!!!! Finally pumped up about something now that I can concentrate on basketball and get off football.
lol, you were just talking about how worried you were for the team last week, and now after one win against UTC you're putting them in the NC game.
TN looked very athletic and long tonight. I really believe they will be Pearl's best team yet. I know they are young, but man are they athletic.
he's been drinking. this team has a lot of new players. i like where we are going, but i'm def not going to say final four
TN looked very athletic and long tonight. I really believe they will be Pearl's best team yet. I know they are young, but man are they athletic.

Agreed 100%. I was most impressed by the chemistry -- setting a team mark for assists in the first game of the season is definitely a positive. Maze looked great at the point and was very unselfish with the ball -- a matter of serious concern a few months ago. And, hey, props to JP.
When we see how the team does against a good ball handling team that has scorers and can take away what we like to do on offense... Then pour me a cup...
Until then I'll just be glad to watch this team grow no matter what happens.
I also seem to remember a certain football team that was picked to be good this year. All I amsaying is that we will be able to get a better indication of how good we are over the next month or so. Not quite ready to start sipping the NC kool-aid just yet
Damn, we beat Chattanooga, and the world thinks we can win the NCAA Title. It was a good performance, no doubt. But, there is still much room for improvement, and let's not forget, it's mid-November, not mid-Febuary
Damn, we beat Chattanooga, and one drunk Internet poster thinks we can win the NCAA Title. It was a good performance, no doubt. But, there is still much room for improvement, and let's not forget, it's mid-November, not mid-Febuary


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