NSD wishlist


Xtra Orange

Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
QB - justin worley
RB - tom smith, jeremy hill, devrin young
WR - deanthony arnett, vincent dallas
TE - brendan downs, jay rome, cam clear
OL - antonio richardson, marcus jackson, kyler kerbyson, alan posey, mack crowder
DE - jordan williams, trevarris saulsberry
DT - maurice couch, anthony johnson, alan carson
LB - lamar dawson, christian harris, aj johnson, kent turene
CB - johnathan coleman, tino thomas
S - pat martin, brian randolph, byron moore

--this is kinda my wishlist but also i feel we have a realistic shot with everyone on this list. obviously there are a few that are reaches (anthony johnson, kent turene) and there are a few many feel we are in on that are not on the list (gabe wright, eddrick loften) but i have never posted one of these lists before and wanted to see what you guys thought. if we were to land this class or something similar to it, IMO coach DD will have
done a phenominal job of addressing the 3 biggest needs of the team - LB, OL, and DT.
another corner would be nice but we only have so many schollys.
Landing both Turene and Dawson would be huge. I would probably build a shrine to Dooley if we land Anthony Johnson on top of that.
Nice wish list. I believe we only have 26 available slots so you might to drop 2-3 names, but a great list. Its going to be a long difficult 3 weeks thru this quiet or dead period, but I hope your right.
I would replace Hill with Bellamy/Crowell[/QUOTE

I would personally rather have either one of those 2 (especially Crowell) but at this point i think the ship has sailed on them and we have a better shot with Hill. especially after I heard Hubbs on the radio here in Nashville talking about how the staff has been on Hill for quite some time even even before his name started getting thrown around on out board.
I would add Gabe Wright or Mickey Johnson, because they're both realistic possibilities. Other than that though, good list:good!:
This is my wishlist that we have shots at:

TE - Rome & Clear
DT - Wright or Johnson (if he can qualify)
LB - Dawson/Turene
DB - Lanier/Moore
OL - Richardson/Jackson
DE - Mackey
are we not talking to leon mackey anymore? just wondering

Yes we are, were on top for him right now. He is going to visit Miss State in Jan (he has a friend that goes there). Mackey loves Coach Smith & the early PT he could get here. It's going to be between Tennessee & Miss State for him.
Glad to see a wishlist thread. It's always tough this time of year to wait til NSD.

This would be my wish list for the remaining 7 spots:

OG Marcus Jackson (EE)
OT Antonio Richardson
OT Cameron Clear (can't see him not growing into an OT)
TE (O'Leary, Rome, or Fulse. We really need another TE to go with Downs)
DE Leon Mackey
DT Jeoffrey Pagan (or Gabe Wright)
CB I. Lanier (Juco, EE with 3 years to play)

As great as this list looks, the only stretches are Pagan and getting O'Leary or Rome at TE.
Everyone else we appear to be in very good position with.

This would be a great o line and d line class.

If we somehow ended up with 2 more openings, would love to add a RB and a LB (Dawson).
I noticed that Marcus Jackson is visiting Miami and their new HC this weekend. Hope he likes DD better and that talk about him being a silent commit to us is still true.
1. Jay Rome
2. Mike Bellemy
3. Byron Moore
4. Antonio Richardson
5. Cameron Clear
6. Lamar Dawson
7. Gabe Wright

8. Mickey Johnson (S&P)
9. Jairi Dunaway (S&P)

Had Marcus Jackson on list, but I think we may loose him (back) to the Canes. Also had Jefferey Pagen on list, but if it comes down to Wright and Pagen (assuming we could get them both) i think Wright fills more immediate needs by position and Pagen's recent injury and possible need to redshirt.

...funny how many time's this list has changed shape for me in past 2 months, and will probably change a few dozen times more in next 6 weeks!

(man, these numbers are tight!)
Don't know about Mackey. The guy doesn't sound like a person that could maintain his eligability without a heavy dose of bowling and sociology courses.
I remember someone started a thread that said that we could sign up to 28. If that is the case my wishlist would be.
1. Richardson
2. Clear
3. Lanier
4. Wright
5. M. Johnson (if he qualifies)
6. Dawson
7. Hill
8. Rome
9. Marc. Jackson

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