'25 NV OL Douglas Utu (Oregon commit)

If you're OK flying Allegiant, you can routinely catch round-trip direct flights to Knoxville and back for $250, and oftentimes, less. Even if Las Vegas to Eugene has a direct flight, it's doubtful that it's significantly cheaper, if any, than $250.
but its significantly shorter....Id imagine a 250 dollar flights from Knoxville to vegas would be an all day affair....vs a 2 hour flight to Oregon. Heck he could drive to Oregon faster
Wow no thanks to Tennessee mentioned? Maybe he didn’t really appreciate the opportunity he had with us… Good riddance?
I’m not personally gonna go so far as to say “good riddance”, but i thought that was disrespectful as well. Didn’t even thank our coaches? I mean, I’m not ready to burn any mattresses or anything, just didn’t think that was cool. Treated it like he was uncommitted.
Ehh, he would have been a good fit here and hate to lose him. However, with what our team is doing and the offensive production we are capable of I am not sweating recruiting. We had a good haul last year and a good group this year. The staff will find a replacement as good as or better and we will roll on without a bump in the road. Good luck to the young man.

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