So was it shut down? That's what your title says.
Hyperbole, once again.
I used the same title as the article I linked.
The show only went on after the operator gave in to the illegal demands of city officials and ATF agents.
Look, I have the right to buy or sell a gun in that parking lot or inside the building or in the middle of my hay field and it is none of the ATF's damned beezwax.
Furthermore all US citizens at the show or anywhere else have the right to buy or sell without going through a federally licensed dealer. (provided they weren't convicted felons without their rights restored.)
Here's the latest.
Obama and Clinton cede to UN small arms treaty.
On Wednesday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced the United States would reverse Bush administration opposition to international small arms control, potentially paving the way for the British-led effort, which calls for a vote by the U.N. General Assembly by years end.
Backup link.
What this means in plain English:
Disguised as legislation to help in the fight against "terrorism," "insurgency" and "international crime syndicates," the UN Small Arms Treaty is nothing more than a massive, GLOBAL gun control scheme.
Ultimately, the UN's Small Arms Treaty is designed to register, ban and CONFISCATE firearms owned by private citizens like YOU.
So far, the gun-grabbers have successfully kept the exact wording of their new scheme under wraps.
But looking at previous versions of the UN "Small Arms Treaty," you and I can get a good idea of what's likely in the works.
If passed by the UN and ratified by the U.S. Senate, the UN "Small Arms Treaty" would almost certainly FORCE national governments to: (takes 67 votes in the senate to ratify the bill and don't count on every rino republican to vote against)
*** Enact tougher licensing requirements, making law-abiding citizens cut through even more bureaucratic red tape just to own a firearm legally;
*** CONFISCATE and DESTROY ALL "unauthorized" civilian firearms (all firearms owned by governments are excluded, of course);
*** BAN the trade, sale and private ownership of ALL semi-automatic weapons;
*** Create an INTERNATIONAL gun registry, setting the stage for full-scale gun CONFISCATION. (of course the 250,000 AK-47s Chavez got from Russia wouldn't be confiscated because they are 'government owned'.)
*** Assume CONTROL of the distribution of all small arms ammunition.
Anyone remember what happened in Australia recently??
First a countrywide registry of all small arms was made mandatory and to own a gun legally Australians were required to register their weapons.
Less than six months later private ownership was revoked and all registered weapons were required to be turned in to the government within two weeks, those who didn't turn in registered weapons received a visit from authorities and had their weapons confiscated.
Study history, invaribly disarmed societies have suffered oppression and in many if not most cases a decimation of the native population has followed being disarmed.
You say Great Britian and Australia are exceptions, well study true Irish and Scottish history and many of the British colonies to see what happened and then get back to me and now in England if you shoot a burglar or a robber, you will spend more time in prison than he will.
Australia would be an exception but that event is in very recent history and besides there were many Aussies who didn't buy that crappola and register their weapons to begin with, re Crocodile Dundee who is now dead.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi:
"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest."