Obama Collecting GOP EMail Addresses

If only Hitler and Goebbles had access to E-Mail what a great job they could have done.

Everything is personal with the little Nazi.

Obama wants to send out e-mails? Oh noes!!!

Why is this so profoundly different than sending out snail mail or calling?
I'll submit mine. Just think of it like the joke of the day service
Classic right wing demagoguery formula itt:

1) Say Obama asking for email addresses of Republicans.

2) Imply, with no proof or evidence, it is for some sinister Nazi-esque purpose.

3) Let simmer.
Classic right wing demagoguery formula itt:

1) Say Obama asking for email addresses of Republicans.

2) Imply, with no proof or evidence, it is for some sinister Nazi-esque purpose.

3) Let simmer.

just copying the Bush-era lefties

It bs b/c this is more of the Obama admin policies of putting Americans vs Americans

In today's world, more than likely, the government all ready has your e-mail address and you probably aren't even aware of it.

in today's world most people have quite a few different ones or could create one in a couple of minutes
He's going to send out a mass e-mail of this on election day to distract GOP voters.

Hey what the heck, here’s the PIN for my ATM too, and a copy of my driver’s license.

Asking for email addresses is not the same as being granted access to your email; anyhow, you accept government interference with your email the moment you establish any type of email through a third party server.

Oh, by the way, you are a buffoon.
What do you think? Many have made comparisons to today's socialist Democrat party to the German Workers Party of Nazi Germany. Is this an accurate comparison?

One has to admit actions such as Hitler's taking over the auto, banking and many other institutions are eerily similar to modern day realities of Obama's actions with controlling these mass industries through so called "Bail-outs".

And not only are the Democrat's actions similar to Nazi Germany but the Propaganda technique of this administration seems to be blatantly knocking off their entire propaganda playbook.

Listen to these quotes. They come from Hitlers Propaganda minister Joseph Goebbel's. You be the judge. Remember these quotes come from Germany - in ....1933.

Obama vs. Goebbels: Any Difference? You be the Judge

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