Obama could take Zimmerman out with a drone missile according to Pelosi.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
The Arizona Conservative

“If these efforts to secure justice for Trayvon don’t succeed we will have to look at what we can do to make things right,” Pelosi vowed. One of the measures Pelosi says she’s looking into is “the possibility that Congress could pass a bill declaring Zimmerman guilty and impose a reasonable penalty. Or maybe the President can declare him an enemy and have him taken out by one of those drone thingies. But the bottom line is we can’t abide racist local officials condoning the murder of a Black youth.”
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Guess we'll know how the Pakistanis feel when we launch drone strikes against them, just saying.
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I can't believe she (yes, even her) said this. Are there any independent sources that have a transcript of this?
Pelosi is absolutely nuts, but there is no way she said that. There has to be some context to that or a misquote. She can't be that dumb...
I think so. I hope so at least.

That was my thought as well, but then I googled it and saw a lot of blogs were saying it as well. I'm sure they all picked it up from the same source, but I don't know when that source wrote it and if it intended it to be an 4/1 joke.
OK - after looking more closely at those articles, they are just reporting on Pelosi saying that "we may have to look at other options."

It appears these guys just took it further with some ad lib in what is, I hope, an April Fools joke...
April fool.

Bingo, give the man a cupie doll.


A = Anarchy
P = Planned Parenthood
I = Pagan symobol
L = Canadian Liberal Party

F = Communist Fist (modified)
O = Obama
O = Peace
L = Loser
S = Scientology

D = Democrats
A = Atheism
Y = Communism

Today is also Palm Sunday which coicides with the commencement of two bombing campaigns against the civilians of the Serbian city of Belgrade.

(Beograd in the Serbo-Croatian language.)

The first was by Adolph Hitler the second was by William Jefferson (aka 'slick willy') Clinton.

A day of celebration for nazis, neonazis, progressive liberals and islamo-fascists, including al-Qaeda, worldwide.

A day of sadness and remembrance for Serbians and all of Chrisendom.

OK - after looking more closely at those articles, they are just reporting on Pelosi saying that "we may have to look at other options."

It appears these guys just took it further with some ad lib in what is, I hope, an April Fools joke...

Jeez Trad, it plainly states at the top of the page; 'semi-news, semi-satire.' But at least you clicked the link.

Did you read any more of the short articles, they are all very funny imo, especially the one about Kagan.

FWIW I read everything this guy puts out, I think he is trememdously funny and his satire is so close to the truth it's scary.

GS's April Fools joke, I suppose...their article was posted yesterday. So, they try to be a conservative Onion?
GS's April Fools joke, I suppose...their article was posted yesterday. So, they try to be a conservative Onion?

It was my April Fools joke.

Oops, I misread your earlier post, I thought you had clicked on the link I provided.

You could call it a conservative onion or you could say it is the straight response to the gay onion.

Google has a collection of April Fools hoaxes, including a google maps version they published themselves.

To gs, an independent source is a conservative blog. Anything else is liberal hogwash.

To the progressive liberal pollyannas that inhabit la-la land, every day is April Fools day.


Happy April Fools Day. :hi:
I did click on it, but I missed the note about half satire. I did notice all their articles seemed to be over the top...just didn't realize they meant to be.
Communists Sue Democratic Party For Stealing Platform

In a surprise move, the CPUSA (Communist Party USA) has announced a lawsuit against the Democratic Party and its leadership for the alleged theft of intellectual property. The plaintiffs claim that the entire so-called "new" Democratic agenda is, in fact, the product of a decades-long, painstaking campaign by CPUSA theorists, agitators, and underground subversive cells - which makes it the intellectual property of the Communist Party USA, protected by American copyright laws. "They stole our entire platform, rebranded it 'progressive', and claimed it as their own," declared a CPUSA spokesperson at a press conference in San Francisco. "And we communists say, not so fast! Not in this country anyway, where we still have property rights and the rule of law, thank God! Actually, let me rephrase that..."


The Communist Party representative explained that government ownership of the auto and financial industries, redistribution of wealth, and free rationed healthcare have always been among the glorious CPUSA objectives: "We held on to these goals through all the difficult years of factional infighting, purges, denunciations, and heroic espionage on behalf of the Soviet intelligence services.

"This may seem like a foreign idea to you, but we sacrificed everything for it - our friends, our neighbors, and our nation. We suffered from all kinds of ulcers and split personality disorders by blindly following Stalin's directives. We risked our chances of promotion within US government agencies by dutifully advancing Soviet foreign policy. And for what? So that some spoiled Democrats could ride on our backs to power while throwing us crumbs in the form of minor cabinet appointments?

"It's just like taking someone else's hard-earned income and redistributing it! ... Never mind, bad example...

It's like infiltrating a respectable organization and taking over its management while engaging in subversive propaganda and the rewriting of history... Whoops, bad example again...

It's like being devoid of moral standards and rejecting all the norms and values of Judeo-Christian civilization... No, that was totally inappropriate. Scratch that...

"It's time we got our fair share of credit from the current administration. As a gesture of good will, we would be pleased to accept the credit in the form of stimulus checks, subsidies, and loan guarantees for our members. If not now, when?"

CPUSA lawyers presented documents to the press showing that the Democratic platform of 2010, almost-line-for-line, reiterates the CPUSA platform of 1963. As the lead attorney for the plaintiffs pointed out, even a casual reading shows that while the rhetoric occasionally varies, the underlying policies are nearly identical.

"If the public knew that all the Democrat ideas are ours, we'd have more high-paying jobs in the Obama administration," remarked the CPUSA spokesperson.

"While all our members can't be czars, we should at least get royalties. We can't survive on government handouts alone, not yet anyway."

This announcement seems to overturn past communist policy favoring the liquidation of czars and royalty.

The Democratic National Committee has declined to issue an official comment on the lawsuit, but a high-ranking White House official stated privately that our illustrious community organizer in chief and democrat party boss of all bosses is mulling the idea over and DOJ lawyers are working on a settlement with the CPUSA.

Lol... peace, paganism, and atheism in the same marquee.

You never cease to force me into Pacard's facepalm.
Lol... peace, paganism, and atheism in the same marquee.

You never cease to force me into Pacard's facepalm.

This should really get you smokin'.


I did click on it, but I missed the note about half satire. I did notice all their articles seemed to be over the top...just didn't realize they meant to be.

It's right at the top of the page, I missed it the first time I ever read the thread but have since learned just to look at the url before I click, the writer is tremendously funny imo.

Fun and games are over, April Fools day is over esxcept for the every day is April Fools day crowd.

Now back to the truth is stranger than fiction reality of living in modern day America.


William Ayers, in a pep talk to an Occupy Wall Street gaggle, said he wakes up every morning thinking about how he's going to end capitalism -- though he acknowledged he goes to bed "every night disappointed."

The co-founder of the radical, Vietnam-era Weather Underground was videotaped chatting up what was identified as an Occupy Union Square group this past week in New York City.


Obama's first job out of college was working for Ayers with the Annenburg foundation in a program designed to radicalize (and possibly racialize) high school students (as well as high students) into being politically active in much the way we see the inane occupy movement at work today.

Undercover agent Larry Grathwohl discusses the Weather Underground's post-revolution governing plans for the United States:

Larry Grathwohl:

"I asked, 'well what is going to happen to those people we can't reeducate, that are diehard capitalists?' and the reply was that they'd have to be eliminated. And when I pursued this further, they estimated they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these reeducation centers. And when I say 'eliminate,' I mean 'kill.' Twenty-five million people. I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people, most of which have graduate degrees, from Columbia and other well-known educational centers, and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people. And they were dead serious."

Larry Grathwohl on Ayers' plan for American re-education camps and the need to kill millions - YouTube


Obama's political carreer was launched at the home of William Ayers where a fundraiser was held for Obama to launch his successful campain to win a seat as a senator in the Illinois state legislature.

While Obama was an Illinois state senator he was involved in only two pieces of legislation, the first was a muslim hallal bill that produced jobs for muslims in Illinois because under islamic law only a muslim can verify food to bed hallal and only a devout msulim may kill the animal while shouting 'alahu ackbar'. (allah is greatest)

Yet Obama when questioned said he hardly knew Ayers, he was just a guy who lived in the neighborhood.


Interesting neighborhood to say the least.


BTW, Rezko, who helped Barry and Michelle into there property, is doing time in federal prison for fraud and other charges.


Weatherman symbol left.
Obama symbol right.

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Are you implying that this is true?

If so, don't quote some obscure blog. Build a rational, logical argument with your own words. I am curious. My ears are open.

Do you expect this to be reported in the NY Slimes for instance?

Known facts;

1. Donald Young was murdered on December 23, 2007, gangland style in Chicago, found in his apartment with two bullets in the head.

2. Young was one of two murders of gay men associated with the (so-called church aka stealth mosque) that Obama attended for twenty years.
(Bland was murdered gangland style on November 17, 2007)
(Spencer [also gay] reportedly died of septicemia, pneumonia, and HIV on December 26, 2007.)

3. Young was openly gay and was Choir Director of Trinity United Church.

4. Both barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel were long time members and frequent visitors to a notoriously gay bathhouse in Chicago.

5. Another gay guy by the name of Larry Sinclair claims that Obama not only had an extensive history of cocaine usage and sales, but that Obama had homosexual sex with Larry and a man named Donald Young. (Sinclair has written and had published a book with his account of various details.)

6. Donald Young's mother had stated publicly she thinks Obama had something to do with the death of her son.

(The Globe, Norma Jean Young, the 76-year old mother of the late Trinity United Church of Christ choir director Donald Young, has spoken out and declared that persons trying to protect Obama murdered her son at the height of the 2007 Democratic presidential primary to protect Obama from embarrassing revelations about his homosexual relationship with her son. Mrs. Young, who is, herself a former employee of the Chicago Police Department, told The Globe that, “There is more to the story,” adding, “I do believe they are shielding somebody or protecting someone.”)

Here is a Chicago Tribune article that touches on the subject.

Topic Galleries -- chicagotribune.com

Investors daily also has published and article on the topic.

I suggest you use google, search for articles on the various facts I've given and form your own opinion. :)
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According to a guy who claims he was the Ayers family's postman they paid for Obama's Harvard education:

Postman: Ayers family put 'foreigner' Obama through school

I wouldn't doubt it a bit, Obama is as committed to marxism as Ayers is.

When Barry was elected to the Illinois state senate, the University of Chicago hospital created a position for Michelle that paid $100,000 annually, when he won election as the Illinois US senator Michelle's salary was raised to $300,000 (and Barry earmarked $1,000,000 to the facility), when Barry became president her postition was terminated altogether.

Michelle Obama's $300,000/year job replaced with a vacancy?

And the bogus truth blog 'factcheck.org' was created by the same Annenberg Foundation that employed Ayers (just someone who lives in the neighborhood) and Obama.
Do you expect this to be reported in the NY Slimes for instance?

Known facts;

1. Donald Young was murdered on December 23, 2007, gangland style in Chicago, found in his apartment with two bullets in the head.

2. Young was one of two murders of gay men associated with the (so-called church aka stealth mosque) that Obama attended for twenty years.
(Bland was murdered gangland style on November 17, 2007)
(Spencer [also gay] reportedly died of septicemia, pneumonia, and HIV on December 26, 2007.)

3. Young was openly gay and was Choir Director of Trinity United Church.

4. Both barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel were long time members and frequent visitors to a notoriously gay bathhouse in Chicago.

5. Another gay guy by the name of Larry Sinclair claims that Obama not only had an extensive history of cocaine usage and sales, but that Obama had homosexual sex with Larry and a man named Donald Young. (Sinclair has written and had published a book with his account of various details.)

6. Donald Young's mother had stated publicly she thinks Obama had something to do with the death of her son.

(The Globe, Norma Jean Young, the 76-year old mother of the late Trinity United Church of Christ choir director Donald Young, has spoken out and declared that persons trying to protect Obama murdered her son at the height of the 2007 Democratic presidential primary to protect Obama from embarrassing revelations about his homosexual relationship with her son. Mrs. Young, who is, herself a former employee of the Chicago Police Department, told The Globe that, “There is more to the story,” adding, “I do believe they are shielding somebody or protecting someone.”)

Here is a Chicago Tribune article that touches on the subject.

Topic Galleries -- chicagotribune.com

Investors daily also has published and article on the topic.

I suggest you use google, search for articles on the various facts I've given and form your own opinion. :)

Thanks for posting that. All those facts seems reasonable. Finding a coherent logical conclusion from those statements seems ambiguous at best (for me anyways).
Who thinks about homosexuality the most: Lance Bass, Rick Santorum, Pat Boone, or gsvol?

Hint: It's really close.
Thanks for posting that. All those facts seems reasonable. Finding a coherent logical conclusion from those statements seems ambiguous at best (for me anyways).

Where there is smoke there is usually fire.

One accusation I didn't include was that Jeremiah Wright ran a gay matchup dating service for young black professionals.

Anyway, I answered your question.

I thought the statements by Young's mother were interesting to say the least.

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