Obama Owns All Our Teevees



Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2007
Delay of Game: MLB Will Move a Game 6 for Obama - Advertising Age - Campaign Trail

WASHINGTON (AdAge.com) -- Major League Baseball has moved back the scheduled start time of any game 6 of the World Series so Fox can also air the half hour Barack Obama spot on Oct. 29.

A network spokeswoman confirmed the buy and said MLB had agreed to the network's request for the delay.

Fox now joins CBS and NBC in airing the half hour program, whose content the Obama campaign has declined to describe. The decision means that the Obama campaign is now spending close to $3 million to air the program from 8 to 8:30 p.m. that night on at least three networks. ABC didn't immediately return a message asking whether it too has now agreed to a buy, a move which would create an unprecedented roadblock of the nation's biggest commercial networks.
Anyone else see the irony of someone that wants "those who can afford to do so to pay those that can't" spending historic amounts of cash on political advertising and pre-empting the great American game?
Anyone else see the irony of someone that wants "those who can afford to do so to pay those that can't" spending historic amounts of cash on political advertising and pre-empting the great American game?

I read somehwere that he;s running back-to-back ads on country radio in some markets. He's basically roadblocking every single media outlet so mccain can't even get on the air. It's a big f-you to mccain. Hardball tactics and a winning strategy. Rove would be proud.
if this is an indication of how Obama spends other people's money, imagine what he's going to be like after inauguration day.

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