WASHINGTONPresident Barack Obama on Thursday proposed a historic shift in the U.S. military's size and ambitions, scaling back its ability to wage the type of war and occupation that just concluded in Iraq as the administration seeks to cut defense spending over the next decade.
Under the proposal, the Army would face a 14% reduction in troopsleaving it with too few to conduct two grueling ground wars at once, long a strategic imperative of the Defense Department. The plan also indicates reductions in the nation's nuclear arsenal and a delay in the Pentagon's most expensive weapons, such as the F-35 stealth jet made by Lockheed Martin Corp.
Defense officials said the Army, currently at 570,000, likely will shrink to about 490,000.
Obama Charts Path for Reshaped Military - WSJ.com
These cuts are absolutely worthless and only serve to place our military back at the level it was prior to 2006. Cut to 300,000 or just admit that you are not actually serious about reducing the size of our military.