Congressman: Obama Admin Illegally Funding Pro-Abortion Kenya Constitution
Not the first time he has illegally interfered in the politics of Kenya, the last time it ended up with thousands killed, hundreds of churches burned to the ground, thousands of homes and businesses destroyed and hundreds of thousands refugees, all for the sake of the advancement of muslim marxism.
Our current jerk in chief has an utter disregard of the law and of public opinion, his only concern is his agenda.
Eventually he is going to run out of gullible suckers.
It isn't the greatest of sins to be fooled by a confidence man at least once in your life but there is a word for people who habitually fall for every scam that comes along, especially when the same man is doing it.
Example, the head of NASA in an interview to al-Jazeera reports that Obama has told him to reach out to muslim nations to make them feel good about their contributions to science but then the White House denies making such a statement, who are you going to believe??
Can you imagine the obambi appointed head of NASA going out and making such a statement that is false and not being fired??