Obama to help push for BCS playoff

Needs to worry about keeping us out of a depression or we will not have any football to watch.!!!!
When the federal goverment has direct influence over college football, it will be a tell-tale sign that there is something very, very wrong with both the government and college football.
I agree about needing a playoff, but the government needs to mind it's own business in this case. We don't need college football as screwed up as the economy.
When the federal goverment has direct influence over college football, it will be a tell-tale sign that there is something very, very wrong with both the government and college football.

I want a playoff, but shortening the regular season back to 11 games is not the answer. Nobody is going to agree to something that takes money off of the table.
Obama has about one round two many. Actually, I think the best is just the plus one.

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