Obama to speak from Greek Temple while addressing the proletariat...



The White Debonair
Nov 28, 2005
ABC News: Obama Speech Stage Resembles Ancient Greek Temple

DENVER (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's big speech on Thursday night will be delivered from an elaborate columned stage resembling a miniature Greek temple.
Watch Charlie Gibson, Diane Sawyer and George Stephanopoulos at the Democratic Convention TONIGHT at 10 p.m. ET on ABC
The stage, similar to structures used for rock concerts, has been set up at the 50-yard-line, the midpoint of Invesco Field, the stadium where the Denver Broncos' National Football League team plays.
Some 80,000 supporters will see Obama appear from between plywood columns painted off-white, reminiscent of Washington's Capitol building or even the White House, to accept the party's nomination for president.
He will stride out to a raised platform to a podium that can be raised from beneath the floor.
The show should provide a striking image for the millions of Americans watching on television as Obama delivers a speech accepting the Democratic presidential nomination.

Politicians in past elections have typically spoken from the convention site itself, but the Obama campaign liked the idea of having their man speak to a larger, stadium-sized crowd not far from where the Democratic National Convention is being held, at the Denver pro basketball arena.
Obama was taking a page from the campaign book of John Kennedy in 1960 when the future president delivered his acceptance speech to 80,000 people in the Los Angeles Coliseum.
Once Obama speaks, confetti will rain down on him and fireworks will be fired off from locations around the stadium wall.
Democratic convention organizers said the theme for the evening is "Change We Can Believe In," which has been a consistent message of Obama's presidential campaign.
Oscar-winning actress and singer Jennifer Hudson will sing the national anthem that night.
(Reporting by Steve Holland; editing by David Wiessler)


While I think the article name is dumb, since half of government buildings are built in the greek mold, I do think Obama has enlisted Michael Jackson's stage manager.
While I think the article name is dumb, since half of government buildings are built in the greek mold, I do think Obama has enlisted Michael Jackson's stage manager.

It is more than half because we wanted to stray away from English architecture. It started by moving the capitol of Virginia from Williamsburg to Richmond.
"I have spoken with the Oracle..."

the temple theme also belies Obama's claim that is speech is going to be "workman-like" in nature.
All this from the man who is more "in touch" with the American populace? From the man that doesn't want to be seen as a celebrity? Priceless.
All this from the man who is more "in touch" with the American populace? From the man that doesn't want to be seen as a celebrity? Priceless.

So it's ok to make these petty arguments against Obama but defend McCain for not knowing how many houses he owns?
found this image at Powerline with the comment that a McCain staffer thinks that it may have come from The Onion.

So it's ok to make these petty arguments against Obama but defend McCain for not knowing how many houses he owns?

From the article it sounds like he is going to make an entrance more set for a Holywood movie than being one of the people.
From the article it sounds like he is going to make an entrance more set for a Holywood movie than being one of the people.

He could either float on to the stage or walk across water to get to it. Anything else would be a disappointment.
He could either float on to the stage or walk across water to get to it. Anything else would be a disappointment.

Pretty much, I hear his new slogan is..... If knowledge is power..... then a god... am..... IIIIIIIII!!!!!!!
So it's ok to make these petty arguments against Obama but defend McCain for not knowing how many houses he owns?

Of course!

My real point is that I'm mildly troubled by the choregraphed steps taken to create this apparent groundswell for Obama. We saw it in another thread where the campaign discussed how they want to "portray" in a certain way.

Of course McCain is doing the same thing. I'm just pointing out the farce that he is in touch" and not buoyed by "celebrity" all the while he is taking things over the top to create the image that he is.

For the record - both guys are out of touch.
From the article it sounds like he is going to make an entrance more set for a Holywood movie than being one of the people.

That is my point. This is a case of brand incongruity. If you want to be seen as a man of the people and not a celebrity, this is not the best imagery.

McCain's townhall approach is a more congruent strategy but the problem with it is that no one but the attendees see it.
I won't be watching. I have to work, but I will have my Sirius receiver in the truck with me, so I'll be able to listen through the filter of Fox News.
so the charges - of Obama being an elitist compared to McCain - are unfair and false?

I think it's a matter of perception and personally I feel Obama comes across as more elitist than McCain does. Part of it is his rhetoric part of it is his style.

Whether he is actually more or less of an elitist I do not know.
Maybe - it is the first college football game of the year!

I was just thinking about this today as I was eating my arugula salad, listening to Air America, and smoking a KB - who is VN going to boo more tomorrow night - Spurrier or Obama?
I'd rather listen to McCain tell war stories than listen to Obama regale us with tales of his mentor, Frank Marshall Davis.

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