I've got a question...why is thread even still active? He's not coming, won't be coming, probably not close to coming, be it last week, today, tomorrow or next year. Like beating a dead horse to get up and walk...:horse:
"Dead Horse Walking" - that should be the new name of this thread!
Look, I'm not going to try to persuade anyone to subscribe to the Macgruder theory, but it does offer a coherent explanation of events that lends itself to message board debate for those truly interested in debating - and isn't that why we're here?
Allow me to add one thought to expand upon Mr. Macgruder's position - return, if you will, to the Mike and Mike non-denial denial. I don't pretend to be an expert on football, football coaches, or football coach searches, but I do know a thing or two about preparing people for media interviews and Gruden's response to the questioning from M&M was a clanging wrong note in an otherwise believable symphony of speculation. That was the most inept, unprepared, and overtly disingenuous response from a seasoned media-type that I've ever heard. In short, it was the response of a person caught with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar.
If the idea of coaching the Vols was a "fantasy" as Gruden's agent would have us believe, then it would have been easy enough for Gruden to take that opportunity to set us all straight. He did not do so.
And, so, we are left with one irrefutable FACT: the only words we have from the man himself about whether he will be the one to lead the Vols back to football relevancy, were a stumbling collection of inconclusive babble. Ask yourself why, and then make the answer to that question the central factor around which you base your opinion.