Official visits???

It's different at every school. For example, at Auburn and Mississippi State, your parents discuss payment for play, without your knowledge, of course.
For instance this weekend,
come in for dinner at an off campus restaurant, family mixer at the hotel
All day Saturday around the campus, lunch at the stadium, dinner with coaches.

They see the academic center, learn about options for their majors, talk about support for athletes and the schedule they are usually on, see the living areas of the dorms, see our beautiful football complex.

There is a lot to sell at a school like TN.

Basically its a big tour of the campus. Tour all the academic buildings, stadium, dorms, etc. You spend time with the coaches and you usually go out on to the nicest restaurant in town and get something to eat because the school pays for it. You have a player host that shows you around and introduces to the team and things like that. Basically a red carpet is rolled out and the guys are treated like kings
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I remember when I was at school one of the restaurants was Ye Ole steak house. Anyone know where they dine nowadays.
Is a school limited by the NCAA on how many OV's it can host a year? Or is it simply limited by a schools budget?

Basically its a big tour of the campus. Tour all the academic buildings, stadium, dorms, etc. You spend time with the coaches and you usually go out on to the nicest restaurant in town and get something to eat because the school pays for it. You have a player host that shows you around and introduces to the team and things like that. Basically a red carpet is rolled out and the guys are treated like kings
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I didn't know a player walked around with them. Do you know if there's any way a regular student can join a club/group type thing and have some inpact/input on recruits visiting? I think that'd be pretty fun
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^ btw a host is also a player on the team. he's not walkin around with any ol' student. No Male Groupies allowed. :hi:

basically players get to see the campus, meet & Greets all around, See the academic advisor, visit the football facilities, see the offices of their expected Major, meeting with the rest of the coaching staff, not just the coach recruiting them, interact with the team, check out some Night life ... or if Nick reveiz is your host, U get to sit by a lake with a cut off T Shirt and think about "wanting it"
i believe there are limits on the amout of visitors you can have in a year and there are limits on the amount of ( official ) visits a recruit can take in his or her senior year. they can visit any time but only one is paid for by the school.
A recruit can take 5 official visits.

Schools have a limit but I'm not sure of the amount.
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^ btw a host is also a player on the team. he's not walkin around with any ol' student. No Male Groupies allowed. :hi:

basically players get to see the campus, meet & Greets all around, See the academic advisor, visit the football facilities, see the offices of their expected Major, meeting with the rest of the coaching staff, not just the coach recruiting them, interact with the team, check out some Night life ... or if Nick reveiz is your host, U get to sit by a lake with a cut off T Shirt and think about "wanting it"

Well, during the offseason this may be the case, but during the season there are student hosts and hostesses that take them around and to their seats and such. This is because the players are at the game and the coaches are coaching. Someone mentioned above that there is no longer a host/hostess program and this may be the case. But I had both male and female friends that were a part of this program. So to the guy above who asked that question can you participate, yes if the program is still there after Hostess Gate. I am sure it is really hard to get into, but it helps if you are loose and have big knockers... :)
Well, during the offseason this may be the case, but during the season there are student hosts and hostesses that take them around and to their seats and such. This is because the players are at the game and the coaches are coaching. Someone mentioned above that there is no longer a host/hostess program and this may be the case. But I had both male and female friends that were a part of this program. So to the guy above who asked that question can you participate, yes if the program is still there after Hostess Gate. I am sure it is really hard to get into, but it helps if you are loose and have big knockers... :)

Hahaha I guess i definitely don't fit in then! But I went on a student official visit last year (my junior year) and there are student tour guides and I think it would be cool to be a tour guide for athletes, not just regular students. I am by no means gay if that's what anybody is hinting at haha, I just think it would be a great way to be involved and interact/convince some future great athletes to go to UT
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^ btw a host is also a player on the team. he's not walkin around with any ol' student. No Male Groupies allowed. :hi:

basically players get to see the campus, meet & Greets all around, See the academic advisor, visit the football facilities, see the offices of their expected Major, meeting with the rest of the coaching staff, not just the coach recruiting them, interact with the team, check out some Night life ... or if Nick reveiz is your host, U get to sit by a lake with a cut off T Shirt and think about "wanting it"
Or if its Geald Jones you take a ride around the block and "blaze one up".
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Arrive, "meet" some $alumni$, drink some booze, go clubing, dance and party with the hostesses, light it up, know, the usual
Arrive, "meet" some $alumni$, drink some booze, go clubing, dance and party with the hostesses, light it up, know, the usual

...sushi at Sobu. Get arrested. Released. Drinks at Bar Knoxville. Fight. Kick a cop. Flee the scene. Hide behind shrubs.

You know, the usual activities.
I know there is a limit on the amount of official visits a school can give because Dooley tried to petition to get more last year. I can't remember the amount though.

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