Darwin can't help birds and neither can Darwinism. Even if his theory worked, there are hard limits on how much species can vary before going extinct.
Wind power is "romantic" but it isn't practical.
I'd like to see more work in thermal and tidal power production.
The best option we have right now is nuclear... even better than fossil fuels if liberals wouldn't demagogue it to death.
1. We need to stop pretending that wind power is ever going to be more than a marginal producer.
Wind presently produces 1.3% of US electrical needs yet receives subsidies
25 times as much per megawatt hour as subsidies for
all other forms of electrical production combined.
Wind produced energy has been a miserable failure everywhere it has been tried on a large scale.
Wind is never ever going to be a major producer of electricity and our future projections are unrealistic in the extreme. Insane. It has nothing realistically to do with getting America off fossil fuels or ending our dependency on foreign oil.
2. We havn't brought on line a new nuclear energy plant in
over thirty years.
China starts a new one
every three months on the average and France gets 80% of it's electricity from nuclear plants.
In over sixty years the US Navy hasn't lost one sailor to a nuclear accident and there have been zero deaths from US commercial nuclear reactors producing electricity.
If proliferation is supposed to be the problem with using nuclear thechnology to produce energy in America then consider that Pakistan, North Korea and India have nuclear arms and it looks as if Iran will have them shortly.
Both Brazil and Venezuela, among others, are talking about using nuclear energy in the near future and none of the above has any more than zilch to do with the USA using proven nuclear energy technology to produce cheap, pollution free electricity.
3. We have
19 million acres in the Alaska Wildlife Refuge, it would not hurt to use a few hundred or even a few thousand acres on it's edge to drill and recover oil from that vast reserve of oil. Wildlife would not be endangered one whit. It is a crime against the people of America that this hasn't been done already.
Any mishap such has recently occurred in the gulf wouldn't be a big problem.
4. Rescind the insane ethanol mandates that caused food riots in 20+ countries the year after it started. (Note, poor oppressed Palestine wasn't one of those countries.)
It is itiotic in this day and age to take good farm land out of food production and use it for energy production.
5. Quit kowtowing to enviowackos that take the central valley of California, one of the most productive farming areas in the world, out of production, bankrupting the farm owners and putting thousands out of work to do what?? Protect delta smelt?? If you're worried about delta smelt build a delta smelt hatchery, release millions each year and sell the excess like canned sardines.
6. Tell the followers of darwin to f..k off, it's high time we reintroduced sanity into what is going on these days.