Ok, so here's what I got from looking through their past results
(NOTE: I didn't take into full consideration years the current conference teams were in / joined the SEC or membership periods for teams that are no longer in the SEC. If someone really wants to give me that information, I will make edits to this later.)
(Second NOTE: There's a few basketball wins and losses that were vacated. Since the purpose behind this inquiry seems to relate to the actual performances against SEC teams, these are still included here. I treated them similarly to how we, as a fanbase, still treat the 2005 Alabama game. If anyone really wants, I can go back and get a second set of numbers reflecting this.)
Ohio State's performance:
Last 10 years vs SEC: 7-6
Overall vs SEC: 35-27
Breaks down as follows per decade:
- 7-6 (01-02 -- 10-11)
- 4-4 (91-92 -- 00-01)
- 10-6 (81-82 -- 90-91)
- 2-3 (71-72 -- 80-81)
- 4-0 (61-62 -- 70-71)
- 1-4 (51-52 -- 60-61)
- 3-2 (41-42 -- 50-51)
- 2-2 (31-32 -- 40-41)
- 1-0 (21-22 -- 30-31)
- 0-0 (1911-12 -- 20-21)
- 1-0 (1901-02 -- 1910-11)
Overall Records vs Individual SEC teams:
(Legend -- symbol following year of game relfects the following: * = NCCAT game; ** = NIT game; # = Invitational)
Tennessee: 5-2 (Wins: 78-79, 79-80, 06-07. 06-07*)(Losses: 07-08, 09-10*)
Georgia: 1-0 (Wins: 77-78#)
Auburn: 1-0 (Wins: 98-99*)
Mississippi State: 1-0 (Wins: 90-91#)
Mississippi: 2-0 (Wins: 98-99#, 07-08**)
South Carolina: 2-1 (Wins: 89-90, 10-11)(Losses: 88-89)
Vanderbilt: 3-4 (Wins: 22-23, 32-33, 88-89#)(Losses: 31-32, 55-56, 97-98, 98-99)
Florida: 7-4 (Wins: 81-82, 82-83. 85-86, 86-87#, 88-89#, 07-08, 10-11)(Losses: 86-87#, 87-88, 06-07, 06-07*)
Alabama: 4-2 (Wins: 69-70, 70-71, 78-79**, 98-99)(Losses: 00-01, 02-03)
Louisiana State: 1-1 (Wins: 05-06)(Losses: 04-05)
Arkansas: 1-2 (Wins: 84-85)(Losses: 85-86, 86-87)
Kentucky: 9-12 (Wins: 1907-08, 32-33, 41-42, 42-43, 44-45*, 60-61*, 61-62*, 67-68*, 86-87*)(Losses: 39-40, 43-44, 44-45, 57-58, 58-59#, 59-60, 80-81, 81-82, 93-94#, 96-97, 10-11*)
Last 10 years vs SEC: 1-3
Overall vs SEC: 8-11-2
Breaks down as follows per decade:
- 1-3 (01-02 -- 10-11)
- 0-4 (91-92 -- 00-01)
- 1-2-1 (81-82 -- 90-91)
- 0-1 (71-72 -- 80-81)
- 0-0 (61-62 -- 70-71)
- 0-0 (51-52 -- 60-61)
- 0-0 (41-42 -- 50-51)
- 2-1 (31-32 -- 40-41)
- 0-0 (21-22 -- 30-31)
- 1-0-1 (1911-12 -- 20-21)
- 2-0 (1901-02 -- 1910-11)
- 1-0 (1891-92 -- 1900-01)
Overall Records vs Individual SEC teams:
(If bowl game, name follows)
Tennessee: 0-1 (Losses: 95-96, Citrus)
Alabama: 0-3 (Losses: 77-78, Sugar; 86-87 [Meadowlands]; 94-95, Citrus)
Auburn: 0-1-1 (Losses: 89-90, Hall of Fame)(Ties: 1917 [@., 0-0])
Georgia: 0-1 (92-93, Citrus)
Mississippi: Teams haven't played
Mississippi State: Teams haven't played
South Carolina: 0-2 (00-01, Outback; 01-02, Outback)
Florida: 0-1 (06-07, BCS)
Vanderbilt: 3-1 (Wins: 1908 [@.], 1909, 1933)(Losses: 1931)
Louisiana State: 1-1-1 (Wins: 88-89)(Ties: 87-88 [@.])(Losses: 07-08, BCS)
Kentucky: 3-0 (Wins: 1985 [@.], 1919, 1935)
Arkansas: 1-0 (Wins: 10-11, Sugar)