


Rational Thought Allowed?
Mar 9, 2006
I did not want to lose sight of the objective in the war strategy thread, so I have decided to comment on this here.
[T]here were far greater qualified nations than Iraq plus the fact that Osama himself along with Al Qaeda was run into Pakistan with a pathetic effort to pursue.


How is OIF relevant to what some perceive as failure in OEF?
Seeing how forces, money, equipment, etc. has been diverted from one operation that is considered a high priority to another that is considered as either unnecessary or lower priority??

Seeing how we lost focus on what the priority was by being diverted to another area and thus having a drain on overall resources because of this is a failure. When you have resources stretched thin and wavering because of an operation that clearly could have waited or been executed in another manner, you have failure.
Forces were diverted from Afghanistan so that we could prosecute OIF? I was unaware. I guess these forces were "pre-emptively" diverted from Afghanistan, since the build up of US troops on the ground, in country, never exceeded 8,000.
So you're telling me that no matter what the case was in Afghanistan there should have been a ceiling of 8000 soldiers? Right now if need be can we send in several thousand more troops there without stretching forces so thin it endangers any other theater both potential and current?

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