OJ Mayo suspended

from which side? it looks like everyone was wrong in this one. Though it does look like the ref took a dive. The statements are hilarious because everyone is trying to play up their side. The truth lies somewhere in between.
If you believe the coach. I played sports in HS and there were certain refs that rubbed me the wrong way and I did the same to them. It is just part of the game and you have to act accordingly. You don't know what history they had though the ref should have been the bigger man. It looks like Mayo has a big mouth and isnt totally a victim but I wasnt there. Plus what is up with the fans coming on the court when he is ejected?
Does that mean a star can taunt and do whatever he wants just because he is good?
In a nutshell, yes. If you don't want to be taunted, don't get dunked on repeatedly. Otherwise, take your medicine and work harder so that it doesn't happen the next time.
that wasn't deserving of a T, maybe a warning but not a T, and the second T was garbage, and the ref fell down was a bunch of BS. refs like that need someone to take them out back and beat them down.
that wasn't deserving of a T, maybe a warning but not a T, and the second T was garbage, and the ref fell down was a bunch of BS. refs like that need someone to take them out back and beat them down.

The first T was more garbage than the second. I think the second T came from a ref thinking, "Wow, this kid is not respecting my AUTHOR-ITAY!! He put his hands in his pants and is bowing up against everybody." I think if he didn't call the first T, play would have resumed as normal, and OJ and team would have just gone to the other end of the court to play defense. Unless something is in the video that none of us see, that monster dunk shouldn't be a technical. That's like a ref calling unsportsmanlike conduct on kickoff return for a TD because the kicking team couldn't stop the return man.
The first T was more garbage than the second. I think the second T came from a ref thinking, "Wow, this kid is not respecting my AUTHOR-ITAY!! He put his hands in his pants and is bowing up against everybody." I think if he didn't call the first T, play would have resumed as normal, and OJ and team would have just gone to the other end of the court to play defense. Unless something is in the video that none of us see, that monster dunk shouldn't be a technical. That's like a ref calling unsportsmanlike conduct on kickoff return for a TD because the kicking team couldn't stop the return man.

i agree, some refs, think that they run the game. so they want to take over, and they shouldn't. we had one ref in college who did that. he called some of the most ridiculous T's i've ever seen.
A good portion of officials are simply authority hungry dweebs. They're too stupid to be judges and too cowardly to be cops, so they use officiating to get their power fix.
A good portion of officials are simply authority hungry dweebs. They're too stupid to be judges and too cowardly to be cops, so they use officiating to get their power fix.

I can buy that. I've seen quite a few high school football games where the officiating has been so biased, I'm surprised there wasn't a riot. These local refs still have a bias from their high school days, probably because they haven't acheived much since then. They let that bias show up badly when they are calling games. These guys should feel ashamed. It's really low for grown men to mess with high school kids like that.

That ref is out to get Mayo or something. Mayo barely bumped into him and he basically dived on to the court.

That ref should be banned or something because that was BS.

That ref is out to get Mayo or something. Mayo barely bumped into him and he basically dived on to the court.

That ref should be banned or something because that was BS.

well obvously the review board had the video and testimony of everyone involved and still gave him a 3 day suspension.

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