well, its not good enough for me, not good enough for my alma mater, not good enough for the state of tenn,....i am so si...ck of this team, never once, since i have been old enough to watch football so glad a season will be over.....they will fire sanders, or please fire that clapping son of a #####, he is done, the recievers are pitiful, why why why in the hell is clausens ass still playing...i swear to everything holy....if they bring another ainge into this school i will forever pull against them...this is so stupid......i want some firings, and dont go saying that im not a true fan this is outright ridiculous....."well, i dont know what really happen, i guess have to watch the film" is that good enough for you true fans....here comes old penn state, here comes, byu, here comes add your favorite........this program is done until there is some changes..////,,.,./