'25 OK OG Antoni Kade Ogumoro (Tennessee commit)

That’s an impressive Guard prospect. He should be a 4*. Between Utu and Ogumoro, we have 2 elite Guard prospects in this class. I don’t care what Ogumoro is ranked.
First thing that makes him Elite is tenacity to destroy the opponent in front of you. Coaches will not have to coach this. Athletic big body as well. Will need that time to develop for playing in this league but yes our OL recruiting these last 2 years is amazing and bodes well with our QB Recruiting. Tennessee is ascending to front of the Table of College Football with everyone still playing catch up to 🐕. In CHRIST Alone
Games are generally won or lost on the LOS. Our coaches know this and are placing a premium on finding great line talent. This program is in good hands. Best I have ever felt in my over 60 years of Vol fandom.
Yes Heup understands like Fulmer in early years LOS and QB wins many games only difference is Heup is not conservative on Offense He let's his Stallions Run. In CHRIST Alone

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