Dang! I never saw this video before and love it. Plus I love water skiing; particularly on one ski.
Little league coach gets new boat, skis and his sons invite me out for a day on Lake Lanier. I pretend I don't know anything about skiing and I don't like the little waves either. So I ask if I can try to ski last waiting for the lake to calm down. All the boys struggle with two skis.
I pretend to be an idiot and say I've never skied before, so I better start off with just one ski. The coach says I can, but it'd be better if I started with two. I beg him and act afraid to start with two skis.
I dive in after the ski, pretend to struggle putting it on and then when the slacks out for him to "just hit it".
I'm half in and half out of the water going at about a 60 degree angle to the boat immediate, cuttin' it up with my shoulder about a foot from the the water's surface, jumpin the wake and I can see the coach laughing because I knew I'd completely set him up.
Over the years when he tells that story to other people while he's had a few drinks in him. The height my shoulder is off the lake surface get lower and the abiltity to jump the wake gets better and better.
Anyway, thanks for sharing. Never saw the video before and it brought back good little league story. haha