On this date in 1864

Very interesting. I've traced mine back through the late 1700's. They were from Holland in an area that bordered Germany and came into the county through N. Carolina and quickly migrated to God's country (middle TN). One of the original homesteads built in the 1840's, and is only about 15 miles away from my current home, is still standing. Cool stuff.
My ancestor, Lt. James Peter Colladen Belvin, 11th GA Volunteers, Anderson's Brigade, Field's Division, 1st Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, was promoted to the rank of captain by order of Brigadier General Anderson.

Right after the Battle of the Wilderness. Guessing his predecessor was killed in action.
Very interesting. I've traced mine back through the late 1700's. They were from Holland in an area that bordered Germany and came into the county through N. Carolina and quickly migrated to God's country (middle TN). One of the original homesteads built in the 1840's, and is only about 15 miles away from my current home, is still standing. Cool stuff.
Mine were French. They landed in Charleston in 1686, then migrated to GA, AL, even TX
looked it up. they took part in a bunch of big battles. Cool bit of history to know.
Mine were French. They landed in Charleston in 1686, then migrated to GA, AL, even TX
Were your French Huguenots? Mine were. Though some came via Charleston, and some via the Richmond VA area, I am not sure how my Fouche's came to East Tenn, though there is some lore linking them to a plantation in the Thomasville GA area ... not sure in what role, exactly.
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Were your French Huguenots? Mine were. Though some came via Charleston, and some via the Richmond VA area, I am not sure how my Fouche's came to East Tenn, though there is some lore linking them to a plantation in the Thomasville GA area ... not sure in what role, exactly.
They were Huguenots. They were Remberts, and later du Boscs. They settled in what is now Rembert, SC. Stirrup Branch plantation was their home.
This is Stirrup Branch circa 1850.

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