One Heartbeat,This is very kewl

Jul 5, 2004

This was done on another board by Aurabass, one of the members there...its very kewl, I would love to see this take off...

Here is his/her lyric changes...


Quote:New york, new york, is everything they say
And no place that I’d rather be
Where else can you do a half a million things
All at a quarter to three
When they palt their music, ooh that modern music
They like it with a lot of style
But t’s still that same old back beat rhythm
That really drives ’em wild

They say the heart of rock and roll is still beating
And from what I’ve seen I believe ’em
Now the old boy may be barely breathing
But the heart of rock and roll is still beating


Quote:UT UT it’s got everything you see
And no place we would rather be
Where else can you see a hundred thousand fans
And the Pride of the Southland Band
When they take the field with the big Power T
They do it with a lot of style
Then come the boys in Orange and White
That really really drives us wild.

They say the Heart of Tennessee is still beating
And from what we’ve seen we believe em
The gators and Tide are barely breathing
But the Heart of Tennessee, The Heart of Tennessee is still beating

Freak, If you have a problem with linking this site, I apoligize...I just thought it was really kewl.

Peace Cross

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