One of the problems with obama global policy.



Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2008
Not that anything is right but;

Instead of doing what the leftist islam friendly obot wonks would have you believe, obama is really doing such things as reissueing a visa to islamic radicals such as Tariq Ramadan, to he can spew his venom about in America, a venom which agrees completely with that of osama bin laden.

Ramadan is "remaining scrupulously faithful to the strategy mapped out by his grandfather, a strategy of advance stage by stage" toward the imposition of Sharia in the West.

Ramadan's grandfather, of course, was Hasan Al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, the group dedicated in its own words to "eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within."

Instead being strong, obama's method of standing against terrorist agression against America and the American people, obama purges words and phrases such as 'jihad' and 'islamic extremism' from from the central document outlining the U.S. national security strategy...

Barack Hussein Obama, catering to both Muslim and globalist agendas, is exposing his preference to Islamic and globalist agendas and placing yet another nail in America’s coffin by appointing Rashad HUSSAIN as special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

Was Obozo just totally stupid and ignorant when he said he had visited 57 states so far in his presidential campiagn and had only one more to visit or was he sending a message to the world of Islam?

Since its establishment, the OIC has been THE primary organization pushing for the global criminalization of any criticism of Islam, Muslims, Islamic Sharia law, and all cultural and religious aspects of Islam. (Including terrorist initiatives.)

Notice too that Rashad Hussain advocates for the worldwide imposition of islamic sharia law.
I'll comment on the 57 states thing. After listening and watching the campaign footage of the comment, it was clear that he meant to say 47 states. He said that they had been to 57 and had one more to go...and that he wasn't 'allowed' to go to Alaska or Hawaii. The math adds up to well for him to actually have meant 57...vs. 47.
I'll comment on the 57 states thing. After listening and watching the campaign footage of the comment, it was clear that he meant to say 47 states. He said that they had been to 57 and had one more to go...and that he wasn't 'allowed' to go to Alaska or Hawaii. The math adds up to well for him to actually have meant 57...vs. 47.

We're definately agreed that math isn't his strong point, looking at any of his budget estimates proves that beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Obama's first contact with a foreign leader was a call to the Palistinian leader Abbas.

Upon taking office Barry gave his first TV interview to the top arabic language network and within a week he issued Presidential Determination No. 2009-15.

Obama opening floodgates by inviting Hamas to “migrate” to the U.S.A.?

This is viewed as a humanitarian move to help the victimized by some, by others it's a move by the Trojan Horse Obama.

Since we agree Obama is horrible at math, what do you think of him as a painter??

Obama Administration Whitewashes Islamic Jihad | NewsReal Blog

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