One year anniversary of Thomas James Ball's sacrifice



"Slava Ukraina"
Aug 14, 2007


Not trying to be cynical, just genuinely curious... What did him setting himself on fire accomplish? Publicity for his cause? Cause it's been a year and this is the first I've heard if it.
Not trying to be cynical, just genuinely curious... What did him setting himself on fire accomplish? Publicity for his cause? Cause it's been a year and this is the first I've heard if it.

First that I've heard of it was today, also.

Just shows that the media is very selective about what issues they choose to rally behind and stir up trouble with. It's sad that men that are trying to take care of them children and be in their lives are denied access and thrown in jail if they can't keep up the state mandated payments. Debtors prison is alive and well in the US of A if you (are a man and) owe child support.
Maybe he should not have slapped his daughter in the face.

Probably, but doesn't seem like the punishment (lack of unsupervised access to his kids, dissolution of his marriage and accompanying fines/child support) fit the crime.

Self immolation is a horrible way to go out.
Probably, but doesn't seem like the punishment (lack of unsupervised access to his kids, dissolution of his marriage and accompanying fines/child support) fit the crime.

Self immolation is a horrible way to go out.

No child deserves to be slapped in the face by a full-grown man; when that happens, I have no problem ensuring that the child will not have to face that situation again.

Self-immolation is a horrible way to go, but one he chose to take (and leave his children absolutely fatherless). This was about him, not the rights of his kids. If it had been the latter, then he would not have hit his four-year old daughter and he would have sacrificed and continued to be there in any way possible.
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Yeah I'm sorry but I have little sympathy for this guy. I don't deny the laws against fathers may be jacked up but he hit his girl which started all this. And calling what he did a "sacrifice" is ridiculous.
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The problem I have with people who pull stunts like this is the possible danger they pose to others. Someone could've got burnt relatively bad trying to render aid to him not knowing the idiot did it to himself, on purpose.
Way to ditch your family and have them live with the humiliation of your actions forever. They're probably better off without the dumbass anyways
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No child deserves to be slapped in the face by a full-grown man; when that happens, I have no problem ensuring that the child will not have to face that situation again.

Self-immolation is a horrible way to go, but one he chose to take (and leave his children absolutely fatherless). This was about him, not the rights of his kids. If it had been the latter, then he would not have hit his four-year old daughter and he would have sacrificed and continued to be there in any way possible.

Agree with the 2nd para, as to the 1st, well, I've met enough kids to know that sometimes they sure get close. Most adults won't but some do give in to their baser urges and often regret it afterwards. A slap does not warrant jail time and for a father, not being able to see your kids without a monitor present is worse than jail. By all reports this was a one time deal, not serial abuse.
Once is all it takes though.

Ok Mr perfect.

There are out there people responsible for thousands, maybe millions of deaths and millions more suffering, that go on living a life of luxury and pleasure secure in their position at the top. Meanwhile people like you find the death of this guy a fitting result of his "crime", no wonder the world is the way it is.
Ok Mr perfect.

There are out there people responsible for thousands, maybe millions of deaths and millions more suffering, that go on living a life of luxury and pleasure secure in their position at the top. Meanwhile people like you find the death of this guy a fitting result of his "crime", no wonder the world is the way it is.

channeling your inner-lawgator? Faux outrage at it's worst.
Ok Mr perfect.

There are out there people responsible for thousands, maybe millions of deaths and millions more suffering, that go on living a life of luxury and pleasure secure in their position at the top. Meanwhile people like you find the death of this guy a fitting result of his "crime", no wonder the world is the way it is.
I've read that 3 times and I have no idea what your point is . . . Especially the Mr. perfect part. I take no pleasure in his death and never said that I did. I'm talking about the strange notion that this is somebody to rally around.

. . . and like it or not, whether you're the greatest person on earth or the biggest a-hole, once IS all it takes. The article read like the script of the movie Falling Down.
Ok Mr perfect.

There are out there people responsible for thousands, maybe millions of deaths and millions more suffering, that go on living a life of luxury and pleasure secure in their position at the top. Meanwhile people like you find the death of this guy a fitting result of his "crime", no wonder the world is the way it is.
Don Q fighting the power.

Impressive show.
Two thoughts on the subject.

1) Wow, what a way to show your kids you love them. Look at me, I set myself on fire for you. Screw the fact that I just scarred you for life by doing so.

2) The punishment was excessive based on the facts presented in the article. It seems there is probably more to the story than told, but if not, the legal system was out of bounds IMO. I don't condone smacking your child, but certainly parents have done far worse to their children and retained custodial rights. IF the story is true as presented, then it does serve as an example of how the govt is slowly taking away parental rights. I believe a parent has the right to spank their child(though I'm sure some will disagree) as long as it is not excessive. My father tanned my hide when I did wrong and I learned my lessons. In today's world, that runs the risk of being called a child abuser. I never thought of it as child abuse. I knew my dad loved me and I knew he did what he felt he had to do to teach me a lesson. And I learned my lesson 95% of the time.

When you take away a parent's right to discipline his/her child, you remove their authority. Any child not happy with a parent's decision can willfully ignore it and know that their parents have no recourse and that should a parent take action they can call and report abuse. I'm not advocating child abuse, but I am advocating parental authority. People can argue using time-outs or grounding your child, but what do you do if the child refuses to obey? Children need to respect their parents, but quite honestly, they need to have a little fear of their parents as well. Not a terror, just a fear of being punished.

The children of today are far more pampered than the children of the past. Gone are the days where children had to help in the fields. Instead they play video games and go to the mall. I see kids disrespect their parents in public all the time now with no consequence. You can tell the parents are afraid to take action. The one time I disrespected my dad in public, he whooped me on the spot and I never did it again. While I believe in protecting our children, I think we as a society have stepped over boundaries we should not have stepped over. I think we have thrown out reason in our efforts to appear "civilized".
Maybe he should not have slapped his daughter in the face.

He should not have slapped his child in the face, but does the punishment fit the crime? I don't think so. What evidence was there to suggest he was a continuing threat to his child. By all accounts(reported), this was a one time thing. If there had been a pattern of abuse, I could understand, but no evidence seems to support that.
He should not have slapped his child in the face, but does the punishment fit the crime? I don't think so. What evidence was there to suggest he was a continuing threat to his child. By all accounts(reported), this was a one time thing. If there had been a pattern of abuse, I could understand, but no evidence seems to support that.

You hit a 4-year old in the face once, I have no problem with the state stepping in to keep it from happening a second time.

They did not keep the father from seeing his children; they just made sure that his time spent with them was supervised.

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