Opinions on Obama's speech to the Muslim world?



Repeat Forward Progress Victim
Jan 11, 2008
I thought it was a pretty good speech given the intended audience. I didn't care much for a few of the statements he made. I find it a little odd that he is now embracing his Muslim roots when just a few months ago he was putting as much distance between Islam and himself as possible though.

I thought he took a pretty even handed approach in speaking about the Israeli/Palestinian issue, considering the audience I think there was really no other way to address the issue without ruffling feathers.

Just wondering what others thoughts were on the subject.
He's a politician, so of course he'll try and exemplify traits/qualities that appeal to whoever he's addressing.

With that said, the excerpts of the speech that I heard were positive, but nothing new or groundbreaking.
He's a politician, so of course he'll try and exemplify traits/qualities that appeal to whoever he's addressing.

With that said, the excerpts of the speech that I heard were positive, but nothing new or groundbreaking.

The only knock I have on this speech is in the end it is simply rhetoric. The Muslim communities overall have a favorable opinion of him as far as US presidents go. If he fails to show them some results they would almost certainly come to the conclusion he doing little but giving them lip service if they haven't already.
a speech os one thing, actions are another. i laughed at his statement about Israelis. he's going to do all he can to take more of Israelis' land to give to terrorists. i'm glad the israel has a strong prime minister to stand up against this guy.
The only knock I have on this speech is in the end it is simply rhetoric. The Muslim communities overall have a favorable opinion of him as far as US presidents go. If he fails to show them some results they would almost certainly come to the conclusion he doing little but giving them lip service if they haven't already.

the only results muslims want to see is that he turns against israel and forces them to give land to the palistinians.
I found this part rather hysterical:

But I do have an unyielding belief that all people yearn for certain things: The ability to speak your mind and have a say in how you are governed, confidence in the rule of law and the equal administration of justice, government that is transparent and doesn't steal from the people, the freedom to live as you choose

What a piece of garbage.
I just want to pimp that gold chain he got, that was a nice little gift. :)
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I haven't had a chance yet to hear it in it's entirety, but alot of the talk show guys are going from the direction that now he really IS a Muslim and is showing that he is one of them to the Muslim world. However, from what I've heard it sounds like he's being a politician to them and running for election in a popularity contest of the Muslim world. I think he needs to really really watch what he says cause if he spouts off a lot of promises he can't/doesn't intend to keep... he's not only gonna have the radicals hate him, but the whole lot of the Muslim world hating him as well.
Honestly...I think he could be doing better things with his time right now.
Chamberlain never went around the world apologizing for the Colonial British Empire.

Obama is an idiot!
The Dear Leader's fellating of the Arab states will accomplish nothing other than to have the Israelis give us a single digit salute when they use Iraqi airspace for their imminent strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.
Obama is trying to woo the Third World with apologies for the Western European imperialist enslavement of the world over the centuries. The US being the chief enactor of this doctrine gets the blame in his mind. Obama is a product of his teachers and mentors. The Western European mindset is to blame for the evils of the world and enslaving the darker skinned people of the world. He snubs those in this category: Merkel, Sarkosy, Brown, etc. and coddles to the 'victims': Castro, Chavez, Ahmadinejad, etc. Look at Obama's exposure to Wright's teachings and influences we saw during the election. He's all about liberation theology and associated teachings. His job is to apologize for your ancestors victimizing the world. He'll travel to Africa and apologize for slavery next - maybe SE Asia for Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam and propping up Thailand's exploitive rulers.

Another issue with this speech is that Obama has no problem with some guy claiming the desire to wipe Israel off the map to develop some 'peaceful' nuclear program trusting them with this but if Israel builds one more house in the West Bank, it's on like Donkey Kong. Somehow a nuclear program is less threatening to peace than a house...
Thanks to whoever started this thread for bringing us the Muslima banner ad at the top of the page. I had no idea that there was in internet based international matrimony site of this nature.
Scott Johnson at powerlineblog.com says it better than I can.

Power Line - Notes on Obama's message to the Muslims

If Obama were General-Secretary of the United Nations, the speech might have been passable. Coming from the president of the United States, it was an embarrassment. Obama runs down the country he represents while puffing himself up as a transcendent figure. He humbles the United States while glorifying his personage. This aspect of the speech seemed to me indecent.

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