Opponents Message Boards


Big Vol Nasty

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2006
I'm sure you all have visited other teams message boards prior to the game. That being said I'm sure you see alot of Trashing of Tennessee. You know Phil's big, Volunqueers, so on and such.

We talk about Phil being a big guy and eating alot in this message board and it doesnt effect me but when I see it on some other team's it gets me a little pissed.

Anyone else like this?

I guess it's a case of little brother big brother. You can joke on your little brother but you don't let others joke on your little brother.

Just wondering what you cats thought.

From what I've ammased from the Memphis message boards is that they are convinced the 10th Anny is going to prove the same result, and Phil is going to eat 12 players after the loss.
I'm sure you all have visited other teams message boards prior to the game. That being said I'm sure you see alot of Trashing of Tennessee. You know Phil's big, Volunqueers, so on and such.

We talk about Phil being a big guy and eating alot in this message board and it doesnt effect me but when I see it on some other team's it gets me a little pissed.

Anyone else like this?

I guess it's a case of little brother big brother. You can joke on your little brother but you don't let others joke on your little brother.

Just wondering what you cats thought.

From what I've ammased from the Memphis message boards is that they are convinced the 10th Anny is going to prove the same result, and Phil is going to eat 12 players after the loss.
Not too concerned about what the Memphis fans have to say tonight. Tommorrow night we can all say the series record is 20-1. Nuff said!!
IMHO the Vols will defeat Memphis, no question about it. The only question will be whether the Vols can win convincingly enough that I do not spend next week feeling like a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs as the UGA game approaches.
IMHO the Vols will defeat Memphis, no question about it. The only question will be whether the Vols can win convincingly enough that I do not spend next week feeling like a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs as the UGA game approaches.
I'm with ya on that note!!!!!
That is a good point Hillbilly. I'm still trying to get over my Florida week ulcer. I don't need a Georgia one too.
I know what you mean, BigVolNasty... and I don't even go to other team's boards. I post on an SEC themed board and they can rile you up pretty quick. :)

I'd imagine that particular place is a lot saner than most team boards however. I definitely couldn't put up with some of the stuff that is said team specific boards. Shoot, some of the stuff here makes ya sick. :) :lol:
I hardly ever venture over to other boards. I like to keep it all orange, all the time. It's just safe here. :)
I'm sure you all have visited other teams message boards prior to the game. That being said I'm sure you see alot of Trashing of Tennessee. You know Phil's big, Volunqueers, so on and such.

We talk about Phil being a big guy and eating alot in this message board and it doesnt effect me but when I see it on some other team's it gets me a little pissed.

Anyone else like this?

I guess it's a case of little brother big brother. You can joke on your little brother but you don't let others joke on your little brother.

Just wondering what you cats thought.

From what I've ammased from the Memphis message boards is that they are convinced the 10th Anny is going to prove the same result, and Phil is going to eat 12 players after the loss.
Actually Coach Fulmer has lost weight since last year.

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